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Aiden James

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Aiden James

Grateful is a small word to describe about what I felt toward Dale.

It was like, I finally found someone who would do anything for me.....

It was not an assumption. It was her words that made me feel that and I had never been happier

It sucked that I felt everything Mel said about me was right. It did but I was so drowned in self-pity that I had lost a sense of the truth, of the fact.

I was so covered with others' assumptions about me that I forgot the truth about myself ............

She was trying to show me that I was not the one, people painted me to be. I was different and special and it was comforting in a very unusual way...............

After school ended. I went back to my house while she went to her shift

I was still thinking about school when her message popped up saying that she would like to have me over for tutoring.........

and Suddenly the school thinking stopped and excitement entered my mind replacing the dull thinking.............

I had my dinner and was going to text her that I was coming over when she called me

"Hello," she said

"Yes?" I asked

"Please don't come to my house" Okay that was not expected. What happened? Was she canceling our tutoring session?! but why, I enjoyed it very much. Did she not like studying with me?

"Why" I asked

"Because we are not studying there" Oh so the session is not canceled! Yes!

"Then where we are studying" I asked

"Come to the backyard of my house"


"Come Fast," she said hastily

"Okay" I replied

"And wear warm and bring your study stool" she instructed

"Okay" I agreed

When I reached her backyard, I saw that the fence was covered with fairy lights and table lamps were kept near the mat, where I assumed we were going to sit and study.

The place looked beautiful, cozy, and homey at the same time.

This girl never fails to surprise me.

Dale was gazing at the moon thinking about something

I fakely coughed which brought her out of her trans

"Hi," I said


"What are we doing here?"

"We are going to study here!"


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