13| What now?

29 4 2

Dale Malcolm

When I woke up, I was greeted by a most unexpectable view in front of me--

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When I woke up, I was greeted by a most unexpectable view in front of me--

I was snuggled up in the warmth of a heavy hand that belonged to none other than my crush Jaiden.


I carefully moved out of his grip and checked my phone. It was 5 in the morning

I looked at him.

He was looking peaceful, calm...

I liked it.

I had arranged this study-under-the-moonlight thing for him.

I wanted him to open up and also to release his stress a bit.

I wanted to move to the next step in our relationship or whatever thing we are in...

I wanted to know more about him.

To see more of him...........

To listen more of him...........

Most importantly I wanted to relax him after yesterday's incident and I think I succeeded a bit after last night I liked him even more

I mean where do you get to see a man with good taste in movies?

They are rare species.

I decided to wake him up so we both could go.

I softly ruffled his hair and tried to massage his scalp

"Wake up Jaiden" I called him

"hmm" he moaned and leaned into the comfort of my hand

"Wake up dear we need to go," I said again

''No'' he huffed.

I chuckled at his response.

"Let's go Jaiden or someone will see us here" he opened his eyes

"It's good down here," he said meekly

I smiled at his response

'Oh god why the hell is he so cute' I thought.

"We need to go" I again repeated

He got up and sat at his place for a few minutes

"Let's go," he said.

"hmm" I replied

We both stood up and moved towards the front door.

"See you in the morning Brown," He said

"Huh! What did you call me?"

"Brown! it's only fair that I also give you a nickname"


"Bye brown"


He left.

I went to my room.

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