8| The Bet

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Aiden James

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Aiden James

I saw her break in front of me. It was devastating. I mean yeah I have an inferiority complex but what she was going through.............

I can't dream about going through that 

The way her pupils dilated, the way darkness surrounded her... 

I felt devastated, nervous, and anxious ...............god knows what she was going through

Next day 

I got up and went to school 

Today was going to be interesting


because no one has ever beaten Aiden James.......and this turn of events would surely rile up some gossipers

I was not the popular pack more of a nerd but yup I was a bit known 

Many called me an ass licker as I excelled but to write the right answers in an exam you do not need to lick ass, Do YOU?

The day went through there were murmurs and rumors and finally, lunch rolled on 

Me and Ares collected our trays and waited for Pat and Ale

I saw Dale coming towards me with Pat

"Hi" I greeted

"hi" she looked tired

"What's with you?" she shrugged 

"o....kay" I am just going to assume someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed or someone doesn't do good with gossip

"I wanted to talk with you," she said


"let's bet" Okay that was not at all what I expected

"On what?"

"On Us" this keeps getting interesting

"Keep on"

"See we will help each other with our weak subjects and the one who gets vale wins the bet"

Being Valedictorian was not like a big dream though it was a step but I wouldn't mind betting on it 

"What's the catch"

"Bragging rights and a wish"

"mmm" I replied

"fast hun, we don't have time"

"fine "


"Okay "


"When are you free?" she asked


"To tutor each other"

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