1| Meet but not cute -A

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Dale Malcolm

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Dale Malcolm

I used to shift a lot. When I was 18, I already had moved 8 times not that I complained but it always led to me losing friends

Again and not complaining

To be honest I liked it. Yeah, it was tiresome packing and unpacking but every time I moved I found something new................

some new hobbies.............

exciting places................

new experiences ......

I liked it. Very much.

And every time I moved I had to change school. My father is an executive officer and my mother is a teacher. We had to shift a lot because of my father's job and as my mother had great qualifications and experience she would get a job easily

We always rented a house whenever we moved but we also had a fixed house in Nashville.

This time we had moved to Camden

Today is the first day of my senior year of high school. My father made sure that he did not have to move mid-year so it never affected my studies

I was not excited............

Oh come on, this was not new for me it was like a routine

I was excited in the early years but now it just didn't matter

School was just school for me, nothing more, nothing less but this doesn't mean I didn't make friends ..............

I had enjoyed frat parties, and I had enjoyed nights over but I always knew it was temporary

Back to the story .....

I got ready. I wore a black tee with a lavender hoodie chain open and blue denim jeans with my white vans. I swung the bag on my shoulder and went down into the kitchen

"Hi, Mom!" I said

"Good morning dear! Excited" asked Mom.

"You know it is just a normal day for me," I said

"Eat something. Don't survive on coffee or else I will ban your coffee"

"Okay! chill Mom, I will eat and go."

This was my mom Emily Malcolm

She is a teacher so she is definitely strict but she is also cool or at least she tries to be cool

The thing about my mom is she would hit you if you did something wrong but hug you if you won something

She was competitive, she never compared me to other kids but she always compared me with myself.

She always wanted me to progress without failing .............

It was hard but bearable I guess

At least she is not abusive

I love her. I do but just...........anyways

"Good morning Housefly" my dad emerged in the kitchen and greeted me

"good morning Dad" I retorted

"Want a ride to school?"

"No Dad. I will take my bike. I memorized the route last night so I won't get lost. It's fine"

"Okay but if you get lost by chance then.."

"Then park it nearby and take a cab I know Dad it's fine really'' I completed.


"I am leaving, bye Mom, bye Dad"

"Bye, honey" they exclaimed

I admired my bike for a few seconds. I was absolutely in love with my bike. It was a handsome black colored Ducati. My parents helped me a little but I paid the most with my savings of 18 years .....................

Did I regret it!?

Not even a little bit !!!!!!!!!!!

I sat on it and drove towards my new school. On my way, I saw a black Mercedes

Guess this school has rich kids!

The Mercedes was beautiful but nothing compared to my Ducati. In a few minutes, I reached my school parked my Ducati, and went to the administration office.

The lady there gave me my homeroom no and my schedule.

I had all AP classes.

Oh! Did I not tell you I am intelligent but not a nerd because I also am a dancer and softball player my mom had admitted me to all types of classes when I was small as she was not at home to take care of me so she kept me busy ..............................

I entered my first class and sat on the middle bench.

I am that type of student who is a backbencher but gets marks like topper so...................

I saw a boy coming towards me. He had a bit of tan skin. He was not too tall but not too short. He had brown eyes with curly brown hair falling on his forehead a bit. He was not exactly handsome but he sure did have a charm.

He came towards me looked at me, furrowed his eyebrows, tilted his head, and then went to the seat behind me and sat there.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned back


"Who are you ?.................................



I'm so sick of 17

Where's my fucking teenage dream?
If someone tells me one more time
"Enjoy your youth, " I'm gonna cry
*...... Brutal.....*







Hello so this was the first chapter please give your views but do not swear I accept criticism, not bullying

Thank you for giving my story a chance

Word count:833


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