15| Freaking out -2

24 4 2

Dale Malcolm

I kissed Aiden.

I fucking kissed my crush.

 Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!

I freaking loved it.

He tasted like coffee and dew drop. he tasted like mine. Yes, Fucking Mine!!

I liked it way too much.

What should I do?

What should I say?

"Where are you, Topper?" Carter asked me.

We were talking about something. I don't remember what we were talking about. I was busy freaking out about what just happened so...

"Huh?!" I asked him.

"You zoned out ?!"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Ale?!" Pat called me.

"YES," I replied.

"Let's go," she said.


"My brother is picking us. Ares will drop Aiden and we will go to my house" she said.

"Yes. Where are they?" I asked.

"Ares is searching for Aiden and then they leave" she replied.

"Oh! okay" 

Soon her brother came and we left for her house. We had decided to have a sleepover at her house after the party she said I could borrow her clothes for tomorrow so I was going to her house. I had texted my mom earlier about it.

In the car, I was still thinking about the kiss.


He had blushed.

He had freaking blushed.

That was a treat for my eye but now what?!

What are we?!

Oh shit, I didn't think of this.

"What are you thinking?!" Pat asked me bringing me back to this awful world.

"Huh, nothing?!" I replied.

"You are zoning out awfully lot today" she stated.


Tomorrow will be interesting but terrifying. I can't wait for it.

Pat and I slept after watching a few old cheesy romcoms but my mind was still revolving around a certain math geek.

I was terrified.

I was overthinking...as usual.

I don't know what to do or say to him tomorrow.

I slept while thinking of him and dreaming of that kiss.

Next Day

We both got ready and Ares picked us up and dropped us at school.

I wanted to see him.

I was missing him.


His touch.

His taste.

His smell.

God, I sound like a lovesick puppy but who cares....

I saw him in the class sitting on our regular seat.

I went near him and sat there.

"Hi!" I said.

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