11|The Nerd

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Dale Malcolm

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Dale Malcolm

After the coach announced that I would join the team I was surrounded by fake smiles and congratulations....

Just when I was dealing with it someone came and hugged me tightly and I recognized the cologne

"Congratulations topper" I could sense that  he was indeed really happy for me which automatically brought a real smile and a chuckle from me

He was none other than my boss

"Thank you, boss!"

He retreated 

"So you are not only intelligent but also athletic"

"What can I say, I am a girl of many talents," I said dramatically

"I am honored to have you as my worker," he said following the act

"Pleasure is all mine"

And we both cracked up

"Now don't skip work just because you are into the team"

I was shocked "huh"


And then it clicked 

"Let me guess again- I wanted to try that line on someone"

"Correct answer topper," he said with a cheeky smile

We both cracked up

"Hey Carter" his friends called him

"Bye see you later," he said to me

"See ya"

Then suddenly from nowhere, Pat came

"What was that girl?" she shrieked 


"What?" I asked her confusion radiating on my face. 

"What? what?" okay now this is irritating 

"I was talking to Carter" I stated

"No, you were talking to Carter the most handsome and richest boy in school, I ship him with you" 


"What?! no, he is my boss and he knows that I like-''

Shit, fuck my mouth 

"You like-?" she asked

"Do not tell this to anyone"


"I like Aiden"



"Why did you tell that to Carter?" she asked

"Oh, one day I was zoning out and was about to fall and then .." I narrated the whole incident

"Poor Carter"

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