10|New Begining

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Aiden James

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Aiden James

"Let the fun begin," she said

"What was that?" I asked


"That line"

"Nothing "

"Sure you haven't gone crazy" I mean who speaks like they are in the middle of the book in reality?

"Dramatic ass" she murmured

"Unpredictable bitch" I retorted

"Let's start shall we," she said trying to change the topic


"Let's start with math if you don't mind?" she stated and asked at the same time.

"Nope no problem," I said

We both studied for two hours, I analyzed her paper and told her where she needed to improve, made a plan of action for her, and started acting on it.

After two hours my stomach grumbled telling me that he was hungry...

"Want some hot chocolate?" I asked Dale  

"Yup sure"

I went down and prepared some for both of us.

When I went back, I found her snooping in my room looking at the meddles and the certificate I got in chess, math, and science. She seemed a bit impressed, I guess.

I coughed to grab her attention

"Snooping around, are we?" I asked playfully to tease her and handed her a cup of hot chocolate.

"Yeah I mean I was curious if it is fine with you" She turned around and looked at me while saying 

"It's okay"

"You are very smart," she said

I was not expecting that

"Thank you I guess"

"I mean you are the winner of the math and science olympiad that is so cool like next-level cool" I don't think it is that cool... 

"You are bloating my ego there "

"Honestly, I do not care you are very cool and intelligent" I liked the flattery

"People like to call me a nerd though" I involuntarily butter

"People are stupid though "

I looked at her for a second to seek sarcasm in her face but it was like she meant what she was saying. She thought I was cool 

"That was a good one there," I said

"Thank you," she said  

"But you are better than me" I stated

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