4| The First day-B

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Aiden James

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Aiden James

After the teacher interrupted, the lecture continued. She ran away when the bell rang. One thing that I noticed was that she was in all my classes.

I was the only one in this school with all AP classes

Looks like someone is intelligent enough like me......

During lunch, I met Ares in the cafeteria. He was looking at his phone and sulking.

"What happened?" I asked

He looked up from the phone and stared at me for a beat before replying.

"Pat is not joining us for lunch"

Huhh whipped

"Why?" I asked

"She is with a new girl, she said something about helping her" He pouted

He fucking pouted

"Ohh," I said.

"Yup............ and Aid, guess what! you have competition. The new girl also has all the AP classes just like you" he said.


We both sat and ate lunch. After the bell rang, we went to the English AP class. This was the only class that the three of us had together.

I saw Pat with the new girl in the class.

To be honest the new girl was kind of cute and witty but not my style

After the class ended, we both approached Pat and the new girl

Ares went to Pat and kissed her cheek.

Cringy bastard!!!!!!

"Hi Pat, I missed you" he whined.

"Me too Ares. Ares meet my new friend Dale" Pat turned her face towards Dale and said.

"Hi," Ares greeted.

"Hi," she retorted.

"Oh! So your name is Dale," I spoke. She gave me a weird look

cranky much!!

"Yes James," she said, that's new nobody uses my surname to address me I was taken aback. a bit

"You already found my name " I exclaimed

"Big deal"

"What did that word mean?" I asked, what I wanted to know what that word meant I was curious I had never heard that word before

"Which, nincompoop?" she asked

"Yes, that one" I replied

"Google it "

huh I also know I can Google it but I wanted her to tell partly because I don't know the spelling

"Why? you don't have a mouth?"

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