Chapter 18

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I strolled down the dimly lit corridor and stopped in front of Katy’s room. I knew it was hers because a metal sign hung from it reading ‘Katy’s room, knock before you enter.” I don’t even need to wonder why.

A few voices could be heard from the hallway, some were male and Katy’s southern drawl interrupted the male’s voices. 

I knocked softly on the door. “Yes?” She answered.

“It’s Erin.” I replied, glancing down the hallway to the door in the back. An exit side was suspended from the crème, dotted rectangle on the ceiling. 

“Who?” She asked. I heard shifting, and a few things crashed. This bitch is a mess.

“Erin from Juilliard.” I repeated. The door swung open and she stood there holding the side of her dress together. A few guys sat in the back smoking cigarettes. I guessed they were her band mates because one of them had their guitar sitting across their lap.

”Oh hey, come in.” She said.

“So you’re here to ask me more questions, huh?” She asked taking a seat.

“I guess.” I responded, placing my bottom into a hard plastic chair. She zipped up her dress, and we started the interview. We got into a good groove, but we were interrupted by one of her band mates.

“Shit.” He cried out as the infamous white powder made a hill on the wood floor. 

“You better pick that shit up Aiden, it was mad expensive.” Katy shouts at him. “I know. I know.” Aiden simply says as he goes out the room. His soprano voice stays in my ear until it’s replaced by Katy’s drawl.

“You can’t trust no one with your stuff even if you’re in the room with them.” 

Aiden comes back with a broom and a dust pan. “Are those clean?” Katy questioned. Aiden shrugged his broad shoulders.

“So you expect y’all to reuse it if you’re using a dirty broom and dust bin?” She asks. I shift my eyes from Katy to Aiden. He shrugs his shoulders again.

“I thought you would buy some more.” He responded. They went back to her.

“He thought I would just buy some more.” She says to me. “He thought that I would just drop another $800 to replace what he messed up.” She laughed, but it wasn’t because she got a joke. 

“Clean up your mess and then get out. I’ll call you when I’m over this whole ordeal. Until then look for new employment.” Katy told Aiden. My eyes went wide.

I jotted two things down in my notebook. The first one: Katy is a raging coke head. The second: Everything she lays her eyes on is pretty much under her control.

Aiden started sweeping the cocaine off the floor. He grumbled inaudible things, and Katy just ignored them. 

Little puffs of thin white powder levitated in the air. The powder moved through the air creating a smoky white ambiance in the room. 

I tried to hold my breath, but my lungs gave in from the lack of oxygen. I could practically see the cocaine enter my nostrils.

Things around me started moving quickly, but I knew nobody was moving really. My body began twitching and with every inhale, the effects got worse, or better depending on your perception. 

My mind was racing and so was my mouth. I started talking out my ass to Katy and she just laughed at me. 

“What’s so funny?” I asked. My mouth moved faster than I could really register that I said something.

“You.” She replied. Somehow, she produces another baggie of the powder, and makes a few lines. Her eyeballs roll to the back of her head as she sniffs the longest line.

“You want some?” She asks.

“No, I don’t do drugs. You should know this by know.” I answer. She chuckles darkly.

“Honey, you sure about that?” She asks. I nod my head rapidly. She laughs again.

“Let’s get you home love.” She says, helping me out of my chair, through the bar and into a taxi. 

I finally reached my dorms and knocked out on my bed.


Hey guys. Sorry this is bit of a short chapter, but it's important, so yeah.

Anyway, comment, vote, do what you do.


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