A new home

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Curt: New dolls are spreading by the minute. I feel really bad about destroying her home. Maybe we should sell these dolls to somewhere that they will be taken with great care.It is the least we can do,

Curt sets up a website for the dolls to be sold

The dolls glow with a sinister red aura.


A little African American girl named Ida A. Sojouner a only child, About 10 years old.

Ida was at school reading a animal book alone.

A ball rolled towards her.

Then a boy picked it up and called out to her.

Boy: Hey, Ida, you are always reading books. What kid enjoys that? Drop the books and come play with us.

Ida looked up and with the book still in her hand.

Ida: No, Thank you, Mike.I like reading more than sports you guys can play without me. I am going to the library.

Mike: Ok, you don't have to bury yourself in books. You can enjoy other things to. What kid likes reading.

Ida looked sad but fixed up her face.

Ida: Thanks for worrying about me but I'm good.

Ida walked off and heading to the library.

She went to the library to pick out books on the stars and books about animals mostly about wild cats like Jaguars, Leopards, Lions and her favorite Cheetahs.

The librarian, Anne smiled seeing Ida.

Anne: Hello, Ida. Checking out more books.
Ida grab the
Ida : Yes, I will take these books with me."

Anne checked out her books and Ida walked outside.

Looking at a playground were siblings were playing around. They were drawing on the sidewalk. A big sister picked up her brother and they hugged.

Ida looked at the scene and felt really sad. She was an only child. She always wanted a big sister to look up too.

She did not have any sisters or brothers. She was also shy and had other interests that kids her age would not enjoy like reading about animals and ancient civilizations.

She went through the door. Her mother was home fixing dinner.

Her mom was cooking Chicken Alfredo and spinach with a side of breadsticks.

Ida's mom: Hello, sweetie, how was school ?

Ida: It was fine, I guess.

Ida's mom: make any new friends?

Ida looked down sad.

Ida: No...

Ida's mom hugged her and Ida hugs back.

Ida's mom: Its OK, sweetie .

Ida: Everyone finds me weird because I do not do what normal kids do.

Ida's mom : That is their loss, if they do not like who you are that is their problem. You should not be ashamed of who you are. Be proud of who you are.

Ida smiled.

Ida: Thanks, Mama.

Ida : Now, I'm almost done with dinner. I have been trying a new dish. You father is going to home soon. You go put your books away and help set up dinner.

Ida: OK.

To be continued.

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