Joy of Birth and Memories

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Suki and Ida were at home waiting on the delivery of the baby.

They were sitting on the living room couch thunkung about the baby.
Ida:" I wonder if it is going to be a boy or girl.

Suki:" As long it is healthy that is what matters. "

Ida:" Oh wait, let me go grab something."

Ida went off looking for something and then came back with a binder.

Suki:" What's that?"

Ida set down the binder and open it.

It was a photo gallery with pictures  of Nina and Ruben,Ida as a baby and the family reunions they hosted.

Suki:" Woah..."

Ida:" Yep, this is a photo album my family keeps to remember the good moments."

Suki picked up the book

In the photo album has Ruben and Nina when they were younger at different places:a park , a restaurant , and an ice rink. There was a picture when they got married with Ruben eating a piece of cake.

Suki was smiling and flipping the pages  until she stopped and saw a elderly man.

Suki:"Hmmm,Who is this ?"

The picture was a elderly man wearing a ebony suit wearing a hat near what looked like a church. the Man was in a forest with trees and vegetation was everywhere with roads of red clay dirt.

Near the church where a bunch a graves littered around with tall grass covering some.

Suki looked at the photo with curiosity.

Ida looked over and smiled.

That is my great grandpa on my mom's side , his name is Carver B. Bluford. He passed away before I was born but my mom has told me stories about him.

That was taken at one of the reunions he went too. That church was built by his Dad. His Dad was a carpenter , along with his brothers who were a plumber and electrician.

they built the house that my grandma was born in . they also , built many buildings in the area in Roxie ,MS where they are from.

However, many of the buildings were tore down for new ones."

Suki."Hmm... that is very interesting.'

Suki flipped through the page and saw Nina on a bed holding a baby.

Suki:" Aww , who is this"

Ida was smiling in embarrassment and face palming.

Ida:" That is picture of me , when I was just born"

Suki:" Aww , you are so adorable, your hands are so tiny."

Ida was blushing and covering her face with her hand.

there  were many pictures of Nina with longer hair , her days in track, and her graduting college.

Pictures of Ruben holding Ida and hugging Nina in their younger years.

Ida and Suki were looking over the memories of the past Ida got a phone call.

Ida picked it up, it was Ruben.

Ida :" I will put it on speaker ."

Ida touched the phone.

Ruben:" Hey girls!! Your mom is okay, and the delivery was a success."

Ida " Ok , that is  great!"

Ruben:" the Baby is a boy , His name is Ralph Wright Sojouner "

Suki:" That is a good name."

Ruben:" Yeah I named him after two of my favorite authors, your mom will head back home the day after tomorrow "

Ida:" OK!! I cant wait to meet little Ralph."

Ruben:" OK, there is plenty of food , so you should be good. Suki, you are in charge until we get back"

Suki;" Ok, Dad"

Ruben:" Alright, talk to you girls soon"

The phone clicked off,

Ida and Suki looked at each other smiled.

Suki:" Lets make some pizza'

Ida": Alright, I'm in the mood "

Ida and Suki went to the kitchen to make themselves dinner

to be continued...

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