The Invisible Panthers.

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Suki was walking around she went to the kitchen to grab an apple. she took a bite out of it when she had saw Ruben sadly staring at the wall with the panther symbol.

Suki walked up to Ruben .

Suki;"Hey, Ruben What's wrong? "

Ruben looked Suki with a sad face.

Suki had a look of concern.

Ruben" Hey....Suki . Im alright just thinking of my dad. He passed away tomorrow a few years back. "

Suki: What was he like?

Ruben:" He was silent but, strong. He had gone through a lot in his life.'

Suki pointed to the panther symbol

Suki:" i have always wondered what this symbol meant."

Ruben touched the picture.

Ruben" this was the unit , he had fought in WW2

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Ruben" this was the unit , he had fought in WW2. The 761st tank battalion, The original Black Panthers."

Suki:" who were they ?"

Ruben sat down on the couch and Suki sat down also.

Ruben" They were an exceptional fighting unit in the war. they got many awards and decorations however they never really got the recognition they deserve "

Ruben looked up to the ceiling.

Ruben:" My Dad was apart of the unit since its founding, he made a couple of good friends. However, he was hounded by discrimination his whole life.

I remember he told me once that on a train that the conductor order their shades down.

As the shades where down he saw white civilians on the side with guns.

His Friend E.G McConnell's curiosity got the best of him. He went to the next car.

when he came back he said "If southern whites saw any black soldiers they would fire their guns into the cars."

Suki's animated face contorted into horror.

Ruben": that is not all, they were training for 2 years while other units where being sent over a few months. Its funny in a way that they were way more prepared than any other unit. But many did not believe they had the brain to use the tanks. Honestly, would never believe African Americans where capable as white solders.

I remember my dad telling me one time of a situation when the battalion moved to Fort Hood in Texas. Where the German POW had more authority and could go into the places that the black soldiers could not. this really made him angry. Also , a lot of black soldiers where killed at home for anything. Talking back or even being seen.

Even our own blacks soldiers would be an obstacle. i remember another friend Leonard Smith the bus driver left him on the other side of town near the white area. which would be a death sentence.

He saw something in a shop that he wanted to give to his mother. two white military police told him that he was on the wrong side of town. the MPs took to the black MPs which they told the black MPs about the situation.

After the white MPs left the black MPs said " Are you are new " which he said yes . then the Black MPs proceed to beat him up. Next he woke up in the hospital.

I have not even started on the part when they went overseas and fought yet.

Suki was listening carefully but was very surprised at what he was hearing;

Ruben;" the 761st fought for 183 days in combat while other units would get rest they were constantly sent up to the front. they losted at a lot of good friends. i remember his respect for Ruben Rivers an early hero of the 761st. where i got my name from. He got an injury a tank got hit by a shell which a piece of metal cut him through the bone. Ruben refused to be evacuated or be given morphine to dull the pain. he was unfortunately, killed three days later. His Captain David J. Williams put him up for the medal of honor. the commander pretty much ignored it.

Suki;" Oh no...."

Yeah they fought through six countries , when an enemy whose weapons was superior to their own. They also fought in the Battle of the Bulge , the one of the most brutal battle in the war.And they liberated a concretion camp.

Despite that no one heard of their effort nor cared. Many did not talk about their experiences . my dad did not give up. they battalion was not given the presidential unit citation which would recognize the efforts of the other unit. he fought for that for about 33 years when in 1978 when the unit got it.

But, the fight was not over he worked with David J. Williams and Rubens family to get him the medal of honor. No African American was rewarded with the medal in or after WW2. it took 52 years but in 1997 along with 6 others they finally got the medal.

My Dad was happy he would soon realized that even then people did not know of the unit. He was upset that his friends never got the respect they deserve. they sacrifice themselves for a country that treated them less than human. He died sad that people really did not care for what he and his unit did for the country."

Suki;" why are you telling me this? "

Ruben place his hand on her arm gently."

Ruben:" To let you know that well sometimes , that life is not going to be what you want so you have work with what you have. Also if someone does not tell the story, the people of it will truly die. when you talk about someone you are keeping them alive.

Also , you have to fight and not give up , these people fought for a long to get their love ones the things they should have gotten."

Suki:" Thanks Ruben"

Suki and Ruben looked at the mural respecting the 761st for their courage despite against all odds

Rest in peace , the 761st , The Original Panthers

to be continued...

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