Bonding and learning

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It was morning at the sojouner house, Nina was cooking breakfast

Nina"Hmm..Hmm. Mmm "

Nina was humming a tune while sizzling the eggs.

She called to RC and ida who were still sleeping.

Nina" Girls!! Come on down, breakfast is almost done!"

In Ida's and RC's room

Ida woke up and rubbed her eyes.

RC was in the bed next to her, she was sleeping peacefully.

Ida shook RC so she could get up.

Ida" RC!! RC!! Wake up! It's time for breakfast."

RC: " Ok Ok, I'm getting up"

RC was not wearing a sailor uniform she had on before. RC was wearing sky blue pajama pants with a white shirt with a lion on it.

Ida rushed to breakfast while RC followed her.

RC and Ida sat down at the table

Nina " Mornin, girls!

Ida" Good morning, Mom! "

RC" Good morning, Nina"

Nina" Made eggs and bacon with a side of toast ."

Nina sets the plates next to the girls .

Ida blesses her food and gives RC thanks for her meal.

RC took a bite of her food and was in awe of how delicious it is.

She cupped her cheek and was in love of how good it tasted.

Recreyo Chan" This is so.. Goood "

Ida" Yeah, thanks mom "
Nina grinned which could have been mistaken for sunlight.

Nina:" I appreciate it girls, your welcome. "

Ruben walks in with his bag for work.

Ruben " I'm going to eat quick so I can head to work. Ida you should eat so you do not be late for school."

Ida" Oh right!"

Ida ate the rest of her food and went to get ready.

As RC look to see her walk she saw something on the wall that she never noticed.

It was the crest of a panther with a ribbon saying " Always remember, never forget" RC was curious about it but went back to eating

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It was the crest of a panther with a ribbon saying " Always remember, never forget" RC was curious about it but went back to eating.

Ruben " So, RC since you can't go out, you will help Nina clean and do dinner. This can be a great bonding experience.."

Nina" RC are there any hobbies that you like to do?"

RC looked like she was about to say something.However, she hesitates and thought for a second.

RC was in the void for so long that she only thought about escaping the void and nothing else.

RC"No. I do not ~.."

RC looked down sadly and
Nina smiled softly, and put her hand on her shoulder.

Nina" Do not worry we will find you some "
Ruben reassured her.

Ruben " Do not stress, you will find something. I better be heading off to work"

Ruben gave Nina a goodbye kiss.

Ida walked down the stairs

Ida" I am about head off too.."

RC and Nina walked to door see Ida off.

Nina" See you later Ida "

Ida " Bye mom"

Ida hugged her mom then she hugged RC tightly .

RC was surprised, she also hugged back smiling.

RC " Stay, safe Ida"

Ida walked off with RC worrying about her.

Nina placed her hand on RC's shoulder.

Nina" She will be okay, do not worry "

RC" Alright, Nina"

Nina" Come on, lets get to Cleaning"

Nina and RC got the cleaning stuff to get work.

Nina went to grab the remote and went to Pandora.

RC looked at her surprised

RC" What are you doing ?"

Nina" I usually play music while I am cleaning. Ah here we are!"

Nina played the music

The music played with RC being entranced by it. She heard Jpop and traditional Japanese music but this something different.

Nina " Let's get to work !"
RC: " Ok!"

They were sweeping and mopping the floors .

Nina and RC were singing the song.

Until Nina stopped hearing her beautiful voice.

RC was singing and cleaning to the rhythm of the song.

RC was smiling and feeling extremely happy. This type of music is cleaning her soul.
Nina grinned seeing RC was healing.

After a while they were done cleaning.

RC" Ok, that is done"

Nina" RC,you have a beautiful singing voice"

RC looked on surprised and blushed.

RC" I guess, I never really noticed..."
Nina giggled and grinned again.

Nina "come on, let's go make dinner "

RC" lets go!"

They walked in the kitchen to make dinner.

To be continued.

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