Knowing and growing

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Ida went to the kitchen to make herself some food.

She was going to make a peanut butter and honey sandwich with a cut up apple.

While she was singing one of her favorite songs.
That her grandpa loved to sing to her.

Ida:" Said Buffalo Soldier , Dreadlock Rasta Buffalo soldier in the heart of America "

" If you know your history, then you would know where your coming from.

Then you wouldnt have to ask me

Who the heck do i think i am? "

Ida was humming the tune to herself.

She wondered the meaning of that lyric

" If you know your history , then you would know where your coming from. "

Ida pondered for a moment about RC and thought to herself .

Ida"i really don't know anything about Recreyo Chan , maybe if get her to open up she will tell me what happened to her. "

Ida decided to make another sandwich and cut up an apple.

Ida went up to her room and looked suprised .

She saw Recreyo Chan on the bean bag with her bandages still on. Still looking at the window.

Ida walked near but not close just in case she gets scared again.

Ida" Hey... I dont .. know if you eaten any thing but here is some food..."

Ida set the food down on a table next to RC but RC did not budge.

Ida tried to start a conversation with RC.

Ida:" So who are you ? What are you . Where did you come from?"

RC gave no response , she was still staring out the window with a emotionless expression.

Ida frowned and sighed .

Ida: Do you have a home? Maybe if we talked to someone we can find your family.."

RC shook at that last word.She clenched her fists holding back tears.

Recreyo chan:"No~.."

Ida looked on suprised .

RC" I do not belong anywhere. I'm not from
this world. My home was nothing but it was all I ever knew"

RC clenched her fists her body was shaking with dark energy.

Which made Ida startled.

RC" Then those Idiots had their stupid scenarios !!! Jumping through dimesions through portals thay tore through reality . Which were destorying my home!!! I did anything to make them stop but, it was tearing into me too. It happen so much that was going crazy.

RC laughed pitifully

I captured one of them so the pain would end. But they beat me and my home is gone. And..And..I.....I"

RC had tears in her eyes and had a look of despair. She choked on her words.

" .. alone. I..I dont ...what i am.."

" sob...sob...I am a stranger in a world...i do not know"

" hic..sob...hic..I'm....scared.."

Ida hugged the girl which startled her.

RC:" What! What are you?!!

Ida:" It's Ok"

RC's eyes widened in surprised at Ida's words.

Ida " Its ok, to cry, Whenever I'm hurt my mama always tells me its okay to cry , we need to let it out

You are in a lot of pain. It's Ok, You can let it all out now."

RCs eyes were shaking and watering

RC hugged back and broke down crying.

Ida rubbed her back and RC hugged tighter.

Ida realized she probably never had a hug before.

RC" Why? Why would you help a stranger like me? I could have hurt you.."

Ida pulled from the hug and smiled

Ida" I could not leave you the way you were, i could leave someone cartoon or not in pain"

RC looked at the young girl with a small smile.

RC" Thank you. Ida right?"

Ida smiled

Ida: " Yep, Nice to meet you, Recreyo chan."

RC:" Ida, when you are sad , what you do to ease the pain.."

Ida put her finger to her chin

Ida" My mom would play a song, that usually helps"

Ida put on her speaker and played a song on youtube connecting it to her phone.

Ida" This was the song my parents listen to when they first started dating. They play it would play it all the time even to me when i was baby"

Ida played the song that made the room feel magical.

Ida and RC listened to song

RC had a feeling she never had before.


She never felt this calm before the lyrics took her pain away.

She in the first time in her life, she felt....happy.

RC : " This so amazing , Thanks Ida.."

Ida" I'm glad , i could help... "

To be continued

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