One wish

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it has been a few months since Nina learned she was having a baby. Ruben was at work and Ida was at school.

Suki was taking care of Nina while she was in labor.

They were in the living room with Nina sitting in a chair rubbing her belly

While Suki was watching a video.

Nina:" Suki ?"

Suki stopped listening

Suki;" Yes , Nina ? "

Nina motioned her hand for Suki to come over .

Nina:" Listen.."

Nina motioned Suki to come closer to her belly.

Suki got close and put her ear on Nina,

Suki really did not understand, until she heard a heartbeat.

She was shocked of what she had heard.

Nina;" When a baby is born they are surrounded by darkness and blind.When they are developing it takes time. But, people always talk to in a way let them know that they are not alone even if they do not realize it. You know what it is like being in the darkness and alone?

Suki frowned and looked down  remembering what it was like being in the void being alone.How no one could hear her.

Nina rested her hand on Suki's shoulder.

Suki looked up.

Nina:" You can let it know , that it is not alone. Talk to let it know who you are."
Suki looked down
Suki " Ah, hello. My name is Suki. I am your big sister,"

Suki smiled softly and rubbed Nina 's belly.

Suki;" I will be there whenever you need me. You can always count on me when something goes wrong"

Nina"Why don't you sing a song to the baby?"

Suki looked surprised and nervous.

Suki;" Umm... Ok,What should i sing?"

Nina;" something from the heart."

Suki stood up and took a deep breath.

She looked on youtube for the karaoke version of the song.

the song play and Suki let the words flow

~Do the nights seem so long

Is it hard to be so strong

Can there be an easy way

Empty words that people say

Save yourself for me

Let our love be free

Nothing can go wrong~

Darling, Save yourself for me

There will be another day

Look ahead so unafraid

Faith in love is all you need

Tell me once that you believe

Suki took a deep breath and sung passionately

Save yourself for me!!!!

Let our love be free

Nothing can go wrong~

Darling, Save yourself for me.

Suki rocked her body slowly with the song.

Suki lost herself in the song and smiled happy like the first time she sung.

Nina was in awe of Suki's beautiful singing she had the voice of an angel.

After the song was over Suki bowed.

Nina;" Wow that was good it seems like you are getting better and better.Where did you find that song."

Suki;" Ruben showed me , he heard the song when he was a teenager. I love it so much."

Nina;" Do not worry , you will be a great sister."

Suki smiled gently

Suki:" Thank you,Mom"

Nina gestured to her to come closer and hugged Suki.

NIna and suki separated from each other.

Nina;" Now lets listen to another song by music group where you got that last song from."

Suki :"Ok!!"

Suki pulled up a song

Nina and Suki listened to the music and rested for the night.

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