New Family

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Ida and Suki were watching TV , mostly watching a nature video by Casual Geographic.

Ida:" Wow , i did not know that , Octopus would protect their kids for that long. "

Suki;" Wow, its interesting what nature comes up with."


Suki and Ida heard Nina throwing up in the bathroom.

Suki;" Nina, are you OK?

Nina:" Yeah... , just not feeling ....well"

Suki and Ida walked to the bathroom seeing Nina over the toilet not looking well.

Ruben just walked in

Suki" Ruben ,Nina is not feeling alright."

Ruben "Hmm... let me see her .."

Ruben helped Nina up and felt her head,

Ruben:" Well, She does not have a fever, but...Nina lets get your coat.Ida help your mom to the car."

After getting Nina's coat and helping her in into the car.Ruben drove off.

Suki was pacing back and forth worried about what was wrong with Nina.

She stopped when the she heard Ida walked inside .

Suki :" What did Ruben say?"

Ida :" He said the stork is putting in a delivery, i have no idea what that means."

Suki:" Me neither , But I hope that Nina is ok. She sounded very sick."

Ida went to Suki and put her hand on Suki's shoulder for reassurance

Ida;" Do not worry, she will be OK."

the girls waited for an hour and half for a phone call.

ring ,ring ,ring

Ida's phone ringed and she picked it up

Ida:" Hey Dad, is mom okay."

While Ida was talking to Ruben ,Suki was twirling her thumbs together she was really worried about her .

Ida got done with the call and Suki stood up quickly.

Suki:" Is Nina okay?"

Ida smiled which made Suki look in confusion.

Ida:"Mom,is alright but, looks like she is better than ok. "

Suki:"what do you mean?"

Ida jumped in excitement.

Ida:" Mama is having a baby. We going to have sibling coming in a few months."

Suki sat down and sighed in relief but , looked up to ceiling happy.

Suki" She is having a baby I'm going to have another sibling."

Suki thought about she never had parents. She does not have any memories of a mom or dad holding her.

Ida spoke if knowing what Suki was thinking.

Ida:"You may not have memories of having parents , but you can give memories to the baby of being a great big sister.

Ida hugged Suki.

Ida:"Like you are for me."

Suki smiled and patted Ida's head

Suki:"Yeah, Thank you Ida."

Suki :"Come on, lets make dinner for later. "


Ida and Suki went to the kitchen.

They play a song singing it while they were cooking. Celebrating their new sibling.

See you in the next one.

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