Lets see were this goes

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Ida decided that she needed to let her parents know.

Recreyo Chan was afraid that she would be kicked out.

Recreyo Chan " I can't be found out...they will probably get rid of me if they find.."
RC was hyperventilating and shaken at the thought of being taken away.

Ida went to reassure her, she put her hands on her anime face gently.

Ida:" You will be ok, I know you are scared but you need to have someone to trust.."

Ida smiled softly showing that she cares for RC.

Ida:" Whatever happens I will be there to help you..."

RC took a deep breath and calmed down.

RC" Ok..."

Ida went to the family living room were her parents where sitting watching Tv.

Ida's Dad looked at his daughter and smiled

Ida's Dad:" Hey Sweetpea, Whats up? "

Ida:" Mom and Dad there is something I need to talk to you about..."
Ida's Dad and Mom looked in confusion.

Ida's Mom " Whats wrong, Sweetie.."

Ida " Well... Remember that doll that you gave me"

Ida's Dad" Yeah, Nothing bad happened to it right?

Ida:" Well, about that..."

Ida turned and called out to RC.

Ida:"Hey, you can come on in now!"

Ida called out to RC which she hesitately walked towards the room which her eyes full of worry.

Ida's parents eyes widen and their jaws dropped

Ida Dad "Huh?! "

Ida's Mom:" Ida? Is this !"

Ida: " Let me explain"

Ida explained to her parents about RC and how she got here. She also explained that RC really had no idea what she is and was trying to protect her home.

Ida's Dad:" Well, that's a lot to take in"

Ida's Dad looked at RC curiously which made RC nervous.

Ida's Dad " She is like a cartoon character that leaped out of a TV screen"

Ida's mom stood up and walked towards RC.However it made RC jump back a bit due to fear. Ida's mom put her hand out in a friendly gesture which RC slowly went forward.

Ida's mom touched RC's face which she could see the pain in RC's eyes.
RC went in her hand and her eyes had the look of someone's soul tortured.

Ida's mom looked at RC full of worry and looked at her  bandages. Then she made a determined face when she made up her mind.

Ida's mom " It's settled, RC you are going to stay with us"

The three look at her in surprised

Ida's Dad" Wait, Honey you can't make a decision like that?"

The mom looked back at her husband with a serious look.

Ida's mom " She is a young girl with no parents or a place to called home. She sticks out in our world so if people found out about her. Who knows what they do to her. There is no way I would leave a young lady to fight for herself.."

Ida Dad's sighed knows that once she puts her mind to something there is no changing it.

Ida Dad:" Alright, but you are going to be helping around the house, OK.."

Recreyo Chan looked at Ida's mom surprised.

RC :" I..I...I can stay here? "

RC said with her voice shaking.

Ida's mom  gently touched RC's face and rubbed her hair.

Ida's mom " You must have gone through a lot, it's okay you are safe. "
RC eyes were shaking .

RC hugged Ida's mom and she had tears in her eyes. While caught by surprise Ida's mom grinned softly hugged her back

RC " sniffle sniffle, sob sob"

Ida's mom" Shhh... its okay,it's okay. you are OK. You are going to be alright."

Ida's mom" lets get to know each other. My name is Nina Sojourner "

Ida's dad went up to her.

Ida's Dad:" My name is Ruben Sojourner, sorry I may have gone off wrong foot. I will do my best to help you out."
RC felt grateful for this kind family.

RC" Thank you~"

Nina looked at RC thinking that she looked dirty.

Nina" You need a bath, it will help you relax after all you been through.Ida, can you get the towels. I will get the bath ready "

Nina " Come on RC, I will show you the way.

RC said softly

RC:" okay~ "

Ida got the towels and give them to her mom.RC followed Nina to the bathroom.

Then she went to her dad looking shy.

Ida" Daddy, I'm sorry for lying, I didn't know how to show you RC."

Ruben patted his daughter's head and kneel to her.

Ruben" It's ok, if I was in your position I would not know what to do. You did what your heart told you.."

Ida" Thanks, Dad"

They both hugged

Ruben: " Well, I'm making dinner tonight, and its going to be tacos.You want to help?"

Ida:" of course!"

Ruben " Let's get down on it!!!"

They both went to the kitchen.

To be continued..,

Merry Christmas 🎁🎁🎁

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