Dancing and old school

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Recreyo Chan was her room watching the news.

Until she read a notification on her phone. With Ida sending her a picture of biggest Apple she had seen at the store.
RC smiled at the photo.

Recreyo Chan wondered what she was going to do.
They would not be back for awhile.

She looked on YouTube for anything interesting.

She clicked on a random video.

R.C was hooked on the new song she bobbed her head to the music.

There was a feeling in her body that make her want to move.

She got up moved from couch went to the open room.

And started mimicing the dancers trying to learn their style.

She felt her body could not stop moving with the music.

She start along with the song until she started doing her own thing

RC:" Saturday night, get down its Saturday night~.."

She was even singing along with with music.

She loved this!!

However, she was not aware that Ida and Nina were in the kitchen looking at her dance for the first time.

Nina": This is the first time, I have seen her dance. She really is good. "

Ida was seeing RC smile happy.

The song hit its climax

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The song hit its climax.

With RC singing along with it.

RC:" I can't wait, until Saturday to begin~

I can't wait until Saturday to begin~"

Ida looked at RC that she really was truly for the first time. Embracing her true self, she smiled at the growth she had made.

Ida: " I'm happy, for you Big Sis. I'm glad you are happy now. "

After that RC went to the shower and headed off to bed.

RC:" Heading to bed."

Ida:Wait, I have to give you something."

RC turned and was tackled by a hug.

Ida:" Good night, Big Sis,"

Recreyo Chan looked at Ida in suprise.

R.C:"Did you call me.., Big Sis?"

Ida :" Yes"

Ida grimaced thinking that was too much.

R.C smiled and hugged her back with with tears of joy.

R.C:" Thank you, Ida

my precious little sister who saved me."

R.C and Ida went to bed with R.C hugging Ida close and vice versa. Sleeping peacefully.

To be continued...

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