Nothing lasts forever

16 1 3

Suki was reading a book when she looked outside.

The weather was raining and you could hear the raindrops hitting the roof of the house.

Suki was thinking about how far she has come.

Nina was listening to some music while she was holding little Ralph.

The baby was sleeping soundly with Nina rocking back and forth in a chair.

Suki:" Hey Mom."

Nina:" Hi , Suki, something up?"

Suki:" It's about to rain."

Nina:" Reminds me of a meet I went to back in the day."

Suki:" Which one?"

Nina:" the North Carolina meet. It was during sophomore year.

I was so excited because i always I loved traveling during meets.

However this meet was different."

Suki looked confused.

Suki:" Why was it so different?"

Nina:" The state was a lot colder than I excepted and it was pouring.

The drive was 15 hours at first we stopped at a place in Kentucky and the next day we drove test of the way.

I loved seeing the mountains of Tennessee and the lit up bridges in Kentucky at night.

We got there and I had to layer up . We practiced in the freezing rain."

Suki:"Oh, jeez."

Nina:" that's not the half of it, the school we were at would not let us in the dorms. So, we stuck in the rain.

I didn't have extra shoes so I was stuck with wet and cold trainers."

I remember how gray the clouds were and it seem like it was never going to end.

Suki:" Luck was not on your side that day."

Nina:" the meet was not raining but it was freezing. I ran my race and did horrible.

I was so disappointed, we want back home on the bus. However, we left at 5pm  and drove the full 15hours.

The bus arrived about 7 in the morning."

Suki look in shock.

Suki:" How did feel when you got back to your dorm."

Nina:" Sad but I resting and did some thinking.

I thought that was the worst experience I ever had in track.

I did run the later half my freshman year due to grades.

I was always a straight A student in high school but College was more difficult trying to balance Track and school.

Even when I was having problems later and was removed from the team.

I always will remember that meet.

Ralph woke up and wanted to go Suki.

Nina picked up Ralph and gave him to Suki.

Suki holded Ralph which he got excited and was trying to the swirls on her face.

Suki:" Hey . Ralph , Miss your big sis."

Suki smiled which the baby started to mimic it.

Nina:" I thought like the rain from the gray clouds . The events that are not favorable are a potential to grow like the plants do from the water coming down."

Suki:" yeah, I do have any songs you would listen to on the bus."

Nina:" yeah, there is one. This song I listened to on the way back home. "

Nina put on YouTube with the song.

The family listened to the song for the rest of the evening.

To be continued.

Author's note.

Sorry the was released later. I was thinking about ending this book. However I decided to keep on writing this one.

The releases of the chapters are going not going to be weekly but monthly . Since i'm more focusing on the other stories I am working on.

Recreyo's days are over but I will always the memories of the good times.

See you in the next one.

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