Pain of loneliness

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Ida woke up with the sun beaming on her.

She rubbed her eye and got from her bean

Ida got up from her bed to find RC. Surprisingly, RC was back in her doll form.

Ida went to the bathroom thinking

" What is she? My doll became a cartoon character that came to the real world. She was really hurt and crying. "

" I should tell my parents but, it would hard to understand that. I will learn more about her and then tell them. "

However, Ida remembered how scary she was and had a negative vibe she was getting from her.

But Ida saw how hurt and sad she was.

Ida took a deep breath

Ida:"I will think about it after school"

Ida took a shower and got dressed. When she looked up the doll was staring at the window.

Ida thought to herself.

Ida" I wonder what she is looking at? "

Ida put that thought to the side and went to the kitchen grabbed her lunch.

Ida mom was at the door.

Ida's mom: " Have a nice day, sweetie "

Ida:" Thanks mom ,you too"

Ida hugged her mom and ran out the door to walk towards the school.

Later in a Health class room

The teacher was lecturing in the class.the teachers name is Mr.Waters.

Mr Waters: "Can someone explain to me the importance of relationships and connections"

Many students raise their hand

Mr. Waters: "Yes, Tommy? "

Tommy : "So people can talk ?"

Mr. Waters : " Well...Yes, I want something more in-depth. Anyone else?"

A Hispanic girl raised her hand

Mr. Waters: "Yes, Maria."

Maria" People can discuss topics that they have problems with?"

Mr. Waters: " Correct, relationships are important because human beings are social creatures. Also, we need someone to talk to "

" However, some do not have those relationships. When we have been hurt by people it is extremely difficult to trust anyone. So when working with people that have personal problems give them time to open up. "

Ida listened and thought about Recreyo Chan . Of how hurt and hostile she was. She's was extremely scary like she was going to hurt her. But, she was just scared.

After school in Ida was walking into her house. Her parents were not at home from work yet.

Ida went into her room to see the doll on her bed.

Ida gently picked up the doll.

Ida" what are you ?"

The doll gave no response.

Ida set the doll down and went to do homework.

To be continued

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