The days of youth

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Nina got a box and went to show Ida and Suki.

Nina:" Hey, girls wanted to show you something.

In the box, was bunch of medals and ribbons.

Suki picked up a ribbon.

Suki :" What are these for?"

Nina:" It was when I was on the Track team during High School and College."

Suki:" You were an athlete? "

Nina:" Yep, I was good in highschool but I did not make it to state."

Suki looked the medals a bunch of Slivers, bronze, gold medals."

In the center a gold medal, that said Girls conference champion.

Nina:" I was an Alt for the 4x2. The relay got first place.but I did not go to St aw ate.

Ida:" Weren't you upset?"

Nina touched the medals remembering fond memories.

Nina:" Yeah, I was. My dad , Aunt and Uncle all went to state and I did not. I tried my hardest but, it did not work out well.

I thought it would be better in college.Boy, I was wrong. My grades were bad,because how much it took up my time. I got my grades up and trained for the summer."

Ida and suki were listening closely to Nina's story.

Nina:" I my first few meets were awful, running in the cold and it rained.The first good meet I got injured."

Nina laughed.

Nina:" it took some time I was not the same, I was not mentally ready. I let myself go and was not in shape. I couldn't run my junior year.

I worked hard as much as I could. It was painful and hard. But, I did the best I could.

Got in to shape, but I was not the same.

At the end of the year I did not make it to Conference.

One day I cried at practice after looking at how slow I had gotten.

I was frustrated at myself of how I let myself go. And I was the slowest. "

Ida and Suki looked somberly and they put their hands on hers for reassurance.

Nina smiled

Nina:" I graduated and I was done with Track,
I realized why I cried because, I devoted my heart and soul into it. And went it was over I did not understand how important it was to me.

However, that year after I graduated I discovered my love for teaching."

Suki:" you have had it rough."

Nina shrugged.

Nina:" That is life honey, nothing is going to work the way you want it too.

Sometimes you just have to deal with it but it may lead to new opportunities.

Also, I remember track being more fun in high school in college it felt like a job. Something I enjoyed was not fun anymore."

Ida:" Life is a roller coaster."

Nina:" Yeah with many twists and turns."

Suki;" I wonder what I am going to do in the future?"

Nina:" you have plenty of time, enjoy the moment. Nothing last forever.

I am going to get some cookies, I have sweet craving."

Suki and Ida:" Okay"

The three have cookies and milk talking about Nina's youth.

To be continued

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