Talents and passion

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Ida was thinking about RC thinking about how she should get into some hobbies.

Recreyo Chan was wearing a blue shirt with shorts listening to music.from a phone that Nina gave her.

Ida walked to her with Color pencils and paper.

Ida:" Hey, RC!!"

Recreyo Chan looked up and smiled at her.

RC:" Hey, Ida. What's up?"

Ida :" I wanted you to try some new hobbies like drawing."

Rc:" Oh,? Are you good at drawing? "

Ida shrugged a little bit.

Ida:" I'm ok, there more people better than me. "

Recreyo Chan rubbed Ida's hair gently .

RC:"Come on, do not think like that. Have more confidence."

RC put her phone away and went to draw.

RC:" Ok, lets do this"

A few minutes later
RC was done drawing and she cringed at what she made.

A few minutes laterRC was done drawing and she cringed at what she made

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Ida also looked at her drawing in horror.

Ida:" Uhhhhh..."

RC breathed heavily.

RC:" I guess, drawing is not my strong suit."

Ida reassured her.

Ida:" Hey not everyone is good in there first try."

Ida went to her room and got a folder.

Ida" let me show you some of mine.

Ida laid out her drawings

Ida laid out her drawings

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RC was in awe of Ida's drawing

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RC was in awe of Ida's drawing.

RC:"wow you have some talent."

Ida:" I guess, I love space and constellations. I watch a documentary on bison so I drew what I had saw."

Ida:" Dad, always saying practice makes perfect."

RC looked at the Bison she had never seen an animal like this before.

RC :" What type of animal is this?

Ida:" A bison, or Buffalo."

Ida got her phone and looked it up. Ida showed it to RC.

Recreyo Chan:" Woah, they are huge

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Recreyo Chan:" Woah, they are huge."

Ida" yeah, they are big. one of America's biggest animals. They used to be everywhere.

RC looked up surprised.

RC:" What happened?"

Ida:" A lot them were killed by settlers for their fur and home grounds, The documentary said their home were taken when the settlers went further west.

A lot bison were no where to be seen in their former homelands. Which affected the indigenous tribes

There populations are going back up but, it is not the same as before."

RC thought to herself.

RC" So they are survivors, just like me."
Rc rubbed Ida's curly hair
RC:" their manes kind of look like your hair."

Ida:"Yeah, that's why I like them their manes remind me of my hair."

RC;" lets keep on practicing until we get better."

Ida:" Ok, lets do it."

Ida and RC drew for the next few hours.

To be continued

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