Chapter 3

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Becky's POV

Here I am in the living room. Grandma asked me to map the stairs. They are gossiping that the master is coming home today.

Yesterday, my day I have ended after we ate dinner. Everyone is so kind. I will get along with them. I'm enjoying it now.

Grandma said I should map only until the last step but never take a step on the next floor. I just nodded to Grandma, but still, I'm curious.

I started cleaning the stairs from the first step to the last step. The stairs have 30 steps. It's made of wood. It was dusty a while ago.

At the last step, I map when I hear something on the second floor. It's like someone is there, but Grandma said that only the master lives on the second floor.

Who probably makes those noises?

On my curiosity. I should have followed Grandma's instructions. I step on the second floor.

It was dark only the light coming from the second floor was my guide.

Until I see a red door, maybe the sounds came here?

I then opened the door slowly, too scared to make a noise. Grandma may caught me!

Opening the door, I saw a big room. It's big, it's like four times my room!

All the furniture is elegant. There is also a big painting in the room near the bed. I walk closer to have a more precise look at the painting.

It's a family painting.

Two couples about 40s? And two people sitting on the sofa, one girl and a boy, about 20s?

They look stunning. No emotions are present in their face. It's giving me chills.

I examined more and saw the painter and the date of the painting.

But it's too blurry. I needed to be closer. I was about to see the details when I heard some footsteps.

Oh no! It's that the master!

I'm doomed if she catches me!

I then quickly hid under the bed. Thank god the bed sheets are almost on the floor.

I cover my mouth, and all I can hear is my heartbeat.

The door opened, and then I felt that the bed moved.

Omg! The master will sleep. How can I escape now? Should I wait for her to sleep?

But later on, while thinking about how to go out. The master stands up. I can see her feet; they slowly walk in my direction and stop.

I am now getting caught! My heart became faster than usual, but a big sigh when the master continued walking and went inside a door.

And then I hear some water falling. Oh, it's good this is the right time.

I quickly go out under the bed, slowly to the door, and close it slowly, too scared to be caught.

When I reach the 1st step, all my worries are gone.

I walked into the kitchen, and Grandma saw me.

She asked if I was finished, and I just nodded.

A little later, Grandma instructed me to bring the food she cooked for the master in the living room. I grab the tray. I'm nervous about what happened a while ago.

I saw her sitting on the sofa, scrolling on her phone. She looked busy, so I just put the tray on the table, but suddenly, I stumbled and dropped the glass of orange juice.

I was too nervous and kept saying sorry, and without thinking, I picked up the pieces of the broken glass, and it wounded me.

It was painful. It goes deep in my hand.

I was shocked when the master stood up and quickly made her pace to the second floor.

What's wrong with the master? Maybe I upset her.

Grandma will be mad at me.


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

Photos are not mine, so I am giving the credits to the rightful owner.

It's giving me chills writing this kind of story!!!

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