Chapter 12

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Becky's POV

I am now running into the woods. I decided to take another route. In town many eyes will be on me.

I climbed the wall beside the town boundaries. It's not that High luckily I was good at climbing trees when I was young.

I keep running and running hopefully to Find a road. When there's a road of course there will be someone out there to help me.

I don't ensure how far and how my feet hurts. All in my mind is to escape this town. To escape her.

It's dark outside now all I had is this flashlight I sneak from the kitchen.

I'm a little bit scared of the wood since it's night but what's more scary is living in that town with monters.

Later on I can see a road ahead. Oh thanks God! I hope someone will help me!

Reaching the road there's no one. It's a road between the woods. But I still hope.

I decided to walk in the road and follow the way. When I see a flash of light.

It's a car! Maybe I can please the owner to give me a ride in the city!

I wave my hand as the car goes by. The owner of the car lowered his window.

I gathered my strength and ask

"Hi there can you give me a ride in the city?" I said pleading

He turned his head on the woman on the passenger seat. They looks like talking in mind.

"Of course we can but it's too late at night to come back in the city. You can come with us first! We just have to visit my sister and then you can join us tomorrow!" He said and smiled

His smile somehow familiar but nevermind it they are too nice.

I just nodded it's more fine. It's more safer than staying here in the road. The guy open his car door and then I go inside.

Now I can have the better look of the woman he is with.

"Hello I'm nam, I'm his wife! What's your name and why are you alone in the woods?" She asked

"Hello miss nam thanks for giving me a ride! I got lost in the woods and ended being stuck in the middle of the road then I found your car" I said

She then smiled and look at her husband.

Her husband is kind a serious but miss nam love smiling!

"Oh I forgot this is husband Edward. We're from the city. We'll visit her sister since we heard a good news!" She said looking excited.

"Oh sorry for being burden ms nam" I said apologizing to them

"No it's fine! You look tired you can take a nap. We're little bit far from our destination!" She said

I then nodded she's right I'm so tired. Running in the woods makes me feel exhausted.

I decided to take a nap and let my body rest first. I need more energy for tomorrow I thought.



I wake up in a soft bed. In a unfamiliar room? Where am I?

Lastly I remembered sleeping in the car with miss nam and her husband.

Oh maybe they brought me into a bed.

The room is so big! The mattress seems to be new and there are two door. Maybe one for the restroom and one for the door getting outside.

I notice that there's no window but the room is air condition.

Oh the owner of this house is rich. I decided to open the first door and in the right and I was right it's the restroom.

I will take a shower first before going to miss nam.

I quickly go in a shower and grab the towel. I forgot to get clothes in my bag.

But my bag is nowhere to be found so I decided to wear my clothes earlier. I will ask miss nam about bag then.

I was about to open the other door but it's locked?

Wait why is this locked?

I started panicking on what's happening.

But as I was trying to open the door it opened from the other side....

And I was surprised to see who opened it.

It's her...

The master..

"Did you enjoy running away little one!?" She asked in gritted teeth

****************************Hi guys I updated early for today!!!Enjoy reading this chapter ✨

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Hi guys I updated early for today!!!
Enjoy reading this chapter ✨

Photos are not mine giving the credits to the rightful owner.

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