Chapter 36

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Becky's POV

It had been days since I woke up. I still can't believe how Louise managed to do this.

Freen said that she died the day she shoots me. So even if I want to ask her why it's not possible.

I decided to go home in the town while freen is busy in managing the empire. I still need to rest.

My body is still coping up on being a vampire. That's why I asked her to let me have a vacation in the town first.

At first it was hard to encourage her to let me but in the end she agreed.

Now I'm busy reading books about vampires again. Like what I used to do.

I remember how I came back to life as a vampire. I am in my dream. I see my dad and mom. They were having a picnic and they invited me with them. I was very happy.

Feeling safe with them. But they said that I needed to come back and that I shall continue living.

That's when I woke up. The first thing I see is my grandmother who quickly got out of the room and then here it comes freen who is looking worried.

At first I was shocked that I was converted to be a vampire too. But I easily accept it. It's my destiny. If she does not convert me.

I will die that day.

My thoughts are cut when freen called.

"Hi little one, have you eaten?" She asked

"Yes I had how about you?" I said

"Yes I'm still busy doing duties in here. Why won't you visit me tomorrow? I will instruct tee to get you" she said

Well I had been days so I miss her

"Okay that's a good idea" I said

"Okay then see you tomorrow little one!" She said then hang up the phone

Freen is so sweet everyday she keeps sending bouquet for me. Even if she's far she never failed to amuse me.

The other day.....

I'm busy fixing my hair and dress. I picked this white dress and a pair of white heels.

I come down and I already see tee has ready the car. He opened the door for me and start driving.

3 hrs later I wake up alone in the carm where's tee?

I received a message it's from freen

"Meet me inside little one"

That's the message says.

Still confuse I go down the car. And what amuse me is were in a amusement park.

She promised to bring me here and here I am standing on it.

I walk slowly and then I see her in the middle. As I approached her I hugged her tight.

"Thank you for bringing me here babe~ I thought you're afraid of heights" I said

"Yeah I'm truly afraid but if it's you I will remove it" she said

"Common let's enjoy the rides. I hire the whole amusement park for us" she said

Then grab my hands and waist.

We first ride the roller coaster freen almost lost her soul in that ride. I keep laughing on her reaction.

In the end she decided that she will watch me while I will ride the tower. We even played in the claw machines.

She got one and give it to me. It's a big bear. And I love bears specially when it's from her.

The last ride we rode was the ferris wheel. This time freen ride with me. We are now in the top most part of the Ferris wheel.

I was surprised when she holds my hands and start saying something.

"My little one I know I had been a monter in your eyes in the past but I was surprised when you learned to love me. I thought you won't. Now let me ask you formally in front of the stars and moon. Will you marry me and be my queen?" She asked and bring out a ring

Now she's formally asking me to be her wife.

"Of course I will babe. I love you and all I want is to grow old with you" I answered

She then hugged me and put the ring on my finger.

"Thankyou and I love you too" she said and then fireworks starts to explode.

The ferris wheel now move and we go down from it to see our family are waiting us.

They have the banner

They greet us and of course grandpa and grandma are there too.

Freen then grab my hand and raise it to let everyone see that were engaged!

******************Hi guys wedding day is next and from this chapter I would like to thanks you all on supporting me on writing this story

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Hi guys wedding day is next and from this chapter I would like to thanks you all on supporting me on writing this story

Photos are not mine giving the credits to the rightful owner

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