Chapter 17

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Becky's POV

The master just bought me a phone. I really had a phone but it broke last time in the accident.

I am now in my room busy scrolling on my phone. Ever since she announced that I'm her mate I haven't been doing chores in the mansion. All I have done is sleep and then eat.

Sometimes in my free time I read some books. And write some poems.

But Today is a different day. The master invited me to her office. She wanted to talk about something.

That's what she texted on my phone.

What does the master need?

I knocked in the door and slowly open it. I walked closer to her she's talking to someone in the phone.

I sit in the sofa and waited for her.

"Close your eyes little one." She said

Of course I obeyed her.

I slowly close my eyes and wait on what she will do.

I can now feel her presence in front of me.

"Now open it" she said

I opened my eyes to saw her holding a pair of school uniform?

Wait had she?

"I had talked to the principal and your going to the school starting tomorrow." She said

Me being so happy and excited on what she said I quickly hugged her and say thank you.

I took the uniform and look at it. It's so beautiful! It's a skirt and a vest.

"Your things for school with your schedule is in your room. I had the maid bring it in there. And one more thing do you prefer to walk or I will asked our driver to drive you everyday?" She asked again

"I will just walk master the school is near" I said politely

I excuse myself from her so I can try the uniform on.

She nodded and it seems like she's busy doing work.

I try the uniform on and it was perfect and fits on me exactly. Like she knew my size.

I also found a bag with the things I needed in school. I also found a note in it.

"Good luck on your first day little one"

Now my heart is melting on the feeling this news giving to me.

I thought she would forget about it. She asked the other day about it. Grandma is right the master is nice.



It was almost 8 pm and I was in the bathroom when I heard a loud sound. It's like a crashing one. I was worried it's coming from the master's room which is beside my room.

Is she okay?

I decided to go and check her if she's doing well. I knocked a lot of time and calling her but still there's no response.

I opened the door. It wasn't Locked.

I look around and found master in the floor. 

"Master!" I quickly go to her and tap her shoulders.

She look pales and tired.

She's just moaning.

Was she fine?

I help her to stand up and bring her in her bed.

"Master are you fine?" I asked but she's just moaning and her eyes where close.

"I..m thi.rsty" I heard she said

She's thirsty?

Maybe I should give her some of my blood right? It's also a way to thank her.

So I decided to let her drink from me.

"Her master you can drink from me!" I said still panicking seeing her like this

But she keeps on resisting.

Then I had no choice. I find some Sharp object on her side table. I found this little nife at the drawer.

I then close eyes make a small wound in my finger and try to put the Blood on her lips.

Soon on her fangs came out and she open her eyes a red one.

I was surprised when she licked off the blood from my finger and find her way into my neck and without any thought. She bite me and suck my blood.

I can feel the Sharon feeling from her teeth and the blood coming out of my veins.

Later on she remove it and then kissed my neck. On the spot where she did it.

The wounds always heals when she licked it.

"Your so stubborn little one. Next time don't go in my room when hearing weird things because I may not stop myself and claim you" she said and then she kissed my lips that makes me more suprised.

She ordered me that night to stay with her in the room and since she sucks my blood it makes me tired and sleepy maybe it's a good invitation.

She ordered me that night to stay with her in the room and since she sucks my blood it makes me tired and sleepy maybe it's a good invitation

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Hi guys thanks for reading this chapter! This will the last update for today! Goodnight!

Xoxo your author

Photos are not mine giving the credits to the rightful owner.

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