Chapter 6

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Freen's POV

Today I'm determined to know if that little one is my mate. In our belief mate connection is more powerful during eclipse.

And today eclipse will happen at exactly 11:11 pm. It's according to the news.

It had been a tradition to have a big gathering during this time. The mansion will be open for everyone.

Foods will be prepared and a little party will be held.

This gathering had been prepared last week before I go in the business trip. Everyone was excited. Not just because it's about celebrating the moon but this is the time where vampire on their legal age will find their mate.

Some find their mate by feeling it in a normal day like your heart is heating too much while looking at that person.

But there are cases that we found the wrong match. That's why we really wait for this once a year event.

Yeah I been waiting also for my mate. I'm already 100 yrs old but still no sign of having mate but not before I met that girl but as I said I need to clear things first.

I go downstairs to check if everything is doing fine. The gate of the mansion will be open at exactly 8 pm.

The food are serve in the garden. Different foods with desserts are prepared.

We also have the mini stage for the announcement later.

Decorations are around and perfectly put on its designation.

I called a maid nearby and instructed her to let the guard open the gate..

It's almost 8 pm.

I decided to go upstairs first to dress my self in a white dress.

The party has started when I go down.  Everyone eyes is on me. They bowed giving me respect.

I just continue walking till I reach the mini stage and grab the mic.

"Welcome everyone to this big gathering we often celebrate once a year. I know this day is important to us. I wish everyone to enjoyed the party now let's have a toast!" I said in a cold voice

Everyone then raised their wine glass and motioned a cheers action.

"cheers!" I said and then everyone drink up.

Some wine glass have blood and some have wine. We allowed it when there's a party. That's why we have someone to assist the drinks.

I walked down the stage but it's kinda strange. I still didn't saw Mr Armstrong's granddaughter. Where could she be?

Does she hates party?

I walked to look around some still greet me with respect.

But there's still no sign of her.

I can't even smell her.

So I decided to approach Mr Armstrong.

"Butler Armstrong" I said he quickly notice me and bowed

"Yes master?" He said

"Does your grand daughter hate parties?" I said

He look shocked maybe thinking why I have been asking about her grand daughter.

"A..h mas.. Ter she's still preparing for the party. She over slept earlier" he said stuttering

"Oh it's that so" I said he just nodded

I then walks away from him leaving him with a questioning look

So the little one had over slept? Hmm she even forget about the party.

Well it's still early I shall enjoy myself first and later I will deal with her.

I walk towards the drinks and then someone attended me giving me a glass of blood.

The blood taste sweet but I still wonder what does the little one blood's taste.

Thinking about it making me drool for her blood. I wanna take a sip of it. But I need to stop myself.

I shall unlocked this mystery between her and me.

***************************hi guys! Just got home from the training I tried writing this chapter I hope you'll like it!

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hi guys! Just got home from the training I tried writing this chapter I hope you'll like it!

Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

Photos are not mine giving the credits to the rightful owner.

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