Chapter 3

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(⬛️⬛️⬛️ POV)

The next time I woke up the sun was out, and that could only mean one thing. A day has passed since my reincarnation.

I then started crying again, but after a few moments I forced myself to stop. I know that I only have a limited amount of calories stored in my baby fat and water so crying was a waste and lowers my chances of surviving.

I also got to think about a couple of things. I am in TBATE, a manhwa that was popular in my past life.

So I did the only thing I could besides screaming.

I meditated, then screamed.

(Time-skip ⬛️⬛️⬛️ POV)

It's been almost a full week since my reincarnation.

The only thing I've done besides meditating was coming up with theory's but if I don't get found soon I won't be able to test them.

My body has been burning my baby fat to consume the calories leaving me with a deathly skinny body where I could see my ribs and feel my sunken cheeks.

My progress with my meditation has been going well, I mean at-least I could finally see the mana particles inside of my body.

I knew that today would be my final chance of being found, so for the entire day

I screamed, I screamed with my whole body, and I screamed out to the world with my desperation to live.

And right before I passed out from a lack of oxygen I heard a howl followed by footsteps, and before my eyes closed I saw a wolf peaking its head into the carriage.

( sorry for the shot chapter but this is the prologue also leave a review.)

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