(Not a chapter)

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Yo what's up.

It's been a while...

Lately ever since Thanksgiving break I've been having writers block.

So while that happens I'll explain Cassin's ability's.

So first is Cassin's Mana Eyes.

Cassin created his mana eyes from influencing his own I.M.P (Internal mana particles) to be absorbed by his own eyes, giving Cassin the ability to permanently observe E.M.P (External mana particles). By observing E.M.P Cassin is able to know what spell a mage/mana beast is going to use, and the ability to influence the E.M.P surrounding him. An added side effect of having mana eyes is that he can see farther than the average mage even if they augment their eyes with mana.

Another added side effect is that it is hard for Cassin to read since he can see E.M.P.

The inspiration for mana eyes is realmheart. And is Cassin's first created mana organ.

Next is Mana mind, Cassin created mana mind by influencing I.M.P into his brain, it gives the ability to change his perception (the time in which he sees. Humans can only see in 60 fps but Cassin with his mana mind can bump it up to 100 fps, creating the illusion that the world is moving slower than normal.) it also increased his memorization.

But an added side effect of his mana mind was a noticeable disconnect in his reaction time of about 1 second. (he could see a attack coming but his body could follow his minds orders)

And the reason Cassin created his mana mind was to handle the strain of his mana eyes. Look at it this way, Cassin is able to permanently see mana particles (changed from E.M.P after Cassin creates his mana core) meaning that his mind would get more and more strained the longer his eyes are open. Even asuras can't observe mana particles forever, the strain of seeing something that shouldn't be observed for an extended period of time would be disastrous for even an asura.

And since Cassin can't turn off his ability to see mana particles he decided to use the same process on his mind, which succeeded and eliminated the strain of observing mana particles.

Also mana mind is Cassin's second created mana organ.

And finally is Cassin's mana nerves. The abilities that mana nerves give are decreased reaction time and mana sense, the degree of Cassin's upgraded reaction time is close to a flys reaction time.

Next is mana sense, Cassin's mana nerves are very sensitive to mana meaning he can sense the mana signature of someone in his range (I like to call it a bubble of awareness personally) of about 5 feet, (about 1.5 meters) he can control his bubble of awareness to either shrink or grow in size. And the smaller the size of his awareness bubble the more accurate his awareness is and the inverse goes for expanding his awareness bubble.

The reason Cassin created his mana nerves was to get rid of the disconnect between his mind and body which was successful. Being the last mana organ Cassin created.

Also as Cassin's mana core progresses so does his mana organs abilities. For his eyes, his ability to observe mana particles becomes clearer, his eyesight becomes clearer and he can see farther.

For his mind, he can remember better. (Don't really have anything to upgrade without making Cassin too powerful.🤷)

And for his nerves, his ability to identify/sense mana and mana signatures becomes even more powerful and precise.

(That's all I have to write, once my writers block goes way I'll come back to this, but for now I hope this can tide you all over for now.)

(Word count: 614)

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