Chapter 16 side story

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( Arthur's POV)

'Lucas, Lucas Wykes, you backstabbing traitor, I hope you get mauled to death by the beast on your way out.' I yelled in my head.

As I was struggling to get to my feet a cloak passed by me. Looking in the direction the cloak came from I saw a boy.

A boy no older than me, he had the remains of a shirt on with a smoldered hole on the side that was red with blood.

He opened his mouth and mumbled something, I was still on the ground and couldn't hear him. But I did hear him say an incantation.

"Mama Overload." He said, I didn't know what that spell was there was no information about it anywhere meaning it was more than likely to be a spell that was created by the boy in front of me.

Suddenly his hair golden hair turned a glowing pure white, his green eyes had turned a glowing blue color and his body was extruding an aura before he just disappeared.

I suddenly heard a deafening loud screech, it was in the same direction as the Elderwood Guardian.

Looking over my eyes widened in shock, half of the Elderwood Guardians lance like arm was cut in half.

I had finally gotten to my feet, my side hurting from the surprise attack made by Lucas and activated my second phase of my beast will.

"Second Phase:Dragons awakening." I said and my vision was filled with an assortment of different colors.

The colors I saw each were small orbs, and they all were four different colors of red, brown, blue and green.

Looking to my side I saw Nameless, but something shocked me. It wasn't his speed but the aura that surrounded him.

The aura surrounding Nameless was pure mana, meaning that the amount of mana leaving Nameless's body was so potent that it is visible to the naked eye.

"Hey Note, do you think you can freeze him, or do anything that could stop its regeneration, I have a final attack I could use against it, but it'll be meaningless if it can just regenerate after it." Nameless said, I nodded my head agreeing, it's not like I have a choice if I want to live.

I created a white flame on my hand but instead of being hot the flame was freezing cold, so cold it started giving my arm frost burn.

I had completely frozen the Elderwood Guardian, it was at the cost of my hand being frozen solid but I did it, looking at Nameless I could see that he had dissipated his sword.

He was in a punching position with his right fist at his right hip.

He closed his eyes, concentrating on something I only found out after his hair turned back to its original color what was happening.

He was gathering all the mana he still had, and focused it into his arm making his right arm glow from the shoulder down.

I thought that was it but he took it a step further, he had compressed all of the mana that was in his arm all the way down to his elbow making his elbow and down glow a bright white color.

After he had compressed all of that mana into his arm he swung his fist, out of his fist came a large blast of pure mana, the aftershock of such a blast appearing had caused the winds to become chaotic making me close my eyes and put my arm in front of my face.

After the winds had calmed down I had taken down my arm and opened my eyes.

I first looked at the Elderwood Guardian and to my shock there was a large hole going straight through it.

Turning my attention to Nameless my eyes widened in shock and disgust, he was barely on his feet breathing heavily, the arm that had launched such a destructive blast was a ugly purple, bleeding and was hanging limp to his side.

He looked like he wanted to say something but before he could he had fallen unconscious and landed on the ground.

I had deactivated my second phase and rushed over to him, grabbing Nameless I made my way over to Elijah.

I had made it to Elijah and just in time since he created a dome over us just as the ceiling collapsed on top of us.

(How was it, any tips i could use?)

(Also sorry for the short chapter, it's shorter than my other ones since almost everything besides the Elderwood fight was the same as canon.)

(Word count:773)

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