Chapter 16

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(Flashback: 3rd POV)

We see a boy in the beast glades, wearing a cloak but having the hood off, exposing his golden hair and grassy green eyes to the outside world.

The boy in question is talking to him self about something, reminiscent to when people would talk to themselves in the shower.

"Why don't augmenters use 100% of their mana to augment themselves?" He asked to nobody in particular.

"It's gotta be for two reasons, one is that it isn't cost effective; the cost of using that much mana to augment yourself, while it is very power would only last for a second because of the cost.

But the second one is probably the most important, the strain, augmenters whenever they augment themselves put strain on themselves, but all augmenters find a balance, all regular augmenters only use around 10%-15% of their mana depending on their mana pool, it's the perfect amount of augmenting since the cost is low and the augmentation is worth it.

Someone like Arthur on the other hand has a assimilated body paired with mana rotation, so his average augmentation would be around 20-45%, 20% if he used his lowest and 45% at the highest.

But going back to the strain, if a regular augmenter used 100% of their mana for augmenting their bodies they would implode and die on the spot since their body couldn't handle the strain of that newfound strength.

Someone like Arthur would be able to last for at least 10-30 seconds since his body is stronger than the average augmenter. But even if he survived this augmentation he would have ruptured organs, all his bones being broken, and also having severe internal bleeding.

But for me.. well let's look at me for a second. I usually augment myself with around 5% but if I'm in a life and death fight I can bump it up to around 40%-50% give or take the situation.

I've also gone through specific assimilation on all of my ligaments, tendons, bones, joints and all of my internal organs.

The only problem I could see is that my muscles themselves wouldn't be able to handle the strain and start tearing.

But I've trained them so they should be able to handle the strain for at least a minute maybe less.

I'll only use this if I don't have another choice, if everything else doesn't work this will be my last resort.

I should give this a name huh... well since this a technique that only I can use and is basically overflowing your body with mana... how about Mana Overload."

(End of flashback: ⬛️⬛️⬛️ POV)

"Alright I guess it's time... Mana Overload." I said, after speaking that one phrase my all of my innate mana was already augmenting my body to the max.

I could feel the changes in my body, my hair had escaped it prison of one string and started flowing everywhere, along with the freedom of my hair, all of my hair had turned into a pure glowing white.

But that wasn't the only change, my eyes had changed color now being a glowing blue color. I also had an aura around my body, it was the amount of my innate mana coming off my body.

And the only reason why I haven't dropped out of this form even though I'm using 100% of my innate mana is simple, I'm absorbing a small percentage of the innate mana leaving my body, making it so that I have a time limit on this form.

If I could completely control this form there wouldn't be any aura.

Shaking my head I turned my attention towards everyone else, Samantha was still unconscious, Note was trying to get back up, Jasmine was unconscious as well and Elijah just stood there shocked.

Turning my attention towards our enemy I could see that it was getting ready to attack, a thrust with its lance shaped hand.

Before anyone could even react I was already in-front of the Elderwood Guardian with my mana sword already in hand and sliced at the lance.

Before the Elderwood had anytime to react half of its lance like arm had been cut off. It screamed out causing Elijah to get out of his daze and saw the damage that had been dealt to the Elderwood Guardian.

The Elderwood in response just absorbed the vines back into itself.' Damnit if it's gonna be a war of attrition I'll definitely lose, Mana Overload has a time limit, not to mention that I can feel my muscles starting to tear. I need help, I need someone to freeze this bastard so that I can get a killing shot in.' I thought.

Looking around I saw that Note had finally gotten on his feet, his mask fell off revealing his face, blue eyes and auburn hair.

Before anyone could say anything he had muttered something under his breath before his body started changing.

His auburn hair turned white with a vibrant orange at the tips, his blue eyes had turned into a shade of purple and along his body were glowing yellow runes.

"Hey Note, do you think you could freeze him, or do anything that would stop its regeneration, I have a final attack I could use against it, but it takes time to prepare and if it just regenerates after it we'll all die." I said while appearing right next to him still looking at the Elderwood, out of the corner of my eye I could see that Note nodded his head.

I took a step back letting him do his thing, Note had created a white fire in his hand, to me it looked like a combination of fire and water mana in the shape of a flame.

Turning my attention back towards myself, I had dematerialized my sword, 'I don't need cutting power, what I need is pure destructive force.' I said.

While Note was freezing the Elderwood I was gathering all of my innate mana, and started focusing it into my right arm.

The changes that my body had gone through was lifted, turning my hair and eyes back into their original color along with my aura disappearing.

But my right arm had started to change, the amount of mana that was in my right arm, it had started to faintly glow.

I knew it wouldn't be enough so I controlled all the mana that was in my right arm.

And I compressed it, the light going across my arm was going down my arm and becoming brighter, I had compressed the mana in my arm all the way to my elbow making my elbow and down glow with a bright white light.

Even while just holding the mana inside of my arm I could tell that my arm was being damaged even while I just held my arm still.

Looking up I could see that the Elderwood was completely frozen, Note was looking at me his eyes widened with shock and awe at what I was doing.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and swung my fist.

At the final moment of my fist being in motion I had allowed the mana to be released in one direction, in-front of my fist creating a large blast of innate mana.

When the blast had finally hit the Elderwood I instantly felt my arm breaking but kept it still, the pain was intense but I knew that if  I just stopped then everyone would die.

With this thought in mind I kept strong keeping my arm in position before the blast had finally stopped.

Note had looked at the blast being shocked at the damage that was done, it was enormous there was a large hole that went straight through the Elderwood Guardian being able to see the wall behind it, before looking at me.

His eyes widened in horror and I could understand why. My arm that had launched the blast was hanging limply to my side being a disgustingly purple color, it leaked blood from no actual wounds that could be seen.

I was breathing heavily, I was just starting to feel the backlash of my final attack, and before I could say anything everything went black.

(Like before how was the quality of this chapter and any tips I could use?)

(Word count: 1402)

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