Chapter 13

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(⬛️⬛️⬛️ POV)

It's been a minute since I've made my way into the floating city of Xyrus and I've just been walking around trying to find the adventures guild.

I mean I've asked around but even then it's still hard to find it since I've never been here before.

And finally after about an hour of walking I had found the adventures guild.

Standing outside of the building that would determine my future, I only had one thought.

'Is this the start of my new life?'

After my thought I had started thinking back, back to my family, would I just leave them behind, just throw them away now that I was in civilization with other humans?

I decided not to, I decided that after getting my adventures rank evaluated I would go straight back into the beast glades and if my family was still there I would take them with me.

It might be a strange sight for outside observers to see a child with a pack of wolves following them but when did I ever care for what people thought about.

After coming towards that conclusion I walked inside of the guild.

Making some noise as the large doors opened all of the people inside turned their attention towards me.

All of their stares combined it felt chills go down my spine as I walked over to the lady at the front desk.

"Excuse me, ma-am?" I said my voice raspy from my neglect of using the Human language, causing the receptionist and surrounding adventures to jump back in shock.

"Y-yes how may I help you today sir?" Asked the female receptionist still a little shocked from my gravely voice.

"I would like to take a rank assessment exam, please." I stated, the adventurers and receptionist looked at me like I was making a joke before realizing the seriousness in my voice meant I wasn't joking around.

"Listen here brat, I've already said this to a different brat but this is no place for kids like you to play around, you got that." Said a beefy male adventurer while using a threatening tone of voice.

'Wait he said this to another kid?' I asked myself while glaring at the adventurer in question, under my glare he gained a nervous sweat before silently backing off.

After that unpleasant situation I had write a profile for myself.

I had answered to the best of my ability giving my lack of writing, but when it got to the point of writing my name, I wrote down nameless and for my adventurer identity name I also wrote down nameless.

"Alright nameless, if you will just follow me towards the examination hall, we will get you all set up." Said the receptionist, after I handed in my profile to them.

She lead me to a set of huge double doors that opened up into an arena.

After sitting down I just sat not really doing anything, and after a hour or so I heard a special name being called." Note, please come down for your examination."

This had confirmed what time I was in and also gave me the chance to build up connections to a future powerhouse.

I mean I might not of read the entire manhwa of tbate but you can just tell that Arthur will become a powerhouse in the future.

I also got to observe Arthur's fight with the guild master Kaspian Bladeheart.

And it went just as well as it did in the canon, meaning that my reincarnation didn't affect the future events before.

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