Chapter 19

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(Cassin's POV)

"Ugh." Was all I said, my eyes were still closed but I could still tell that the position I am in right now was different than the position I fell unconscious in.

I was on my side, being covered in something, not in cloth or clothing but in something comfortable.

Opening my eyes I finally saw the world after who knows how long, the first thing I saw was a wall, specifically the first rooms wall of the dire tombs.

It's gray coloring seamed to suck the in the colors around it only leaving a bland gray to all viewers of it.

Finally turning my attention away from the gray wall, I could finally feel something, my back was leaning against something.

It would be the opposite wall from in front of me if it wasn't warm, and breathing.

Turning my gaze down I saw something black and feathery covering my body.

Suddenly I felt a warm burst of air against the right side of my neck and head, Turing my head to the right I came face to face with a dragon, more specifically Sylvie.

"Hey Sylvie, how are you doing?" I asked while leaning my head against her side.

| Dummy, I'm more worried about you. Your do injured.| Sylvie said while gently pressing her head on mine.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you my name." At the mention of my name, Sylvie's eyes filled with joy, she slightly moved her head back allowing her to see my full face.

Looking at her straight in the eye I could finally see what I look like.

And I look like shit, my golden blond hair that used to be clean became riddled with sweat and dirt making it look more like a dirty blond, and became free from being tied behind my back making it messy and slightly covering the sides of my face.

My face was relatively okay besides the dry tear marks that line my eyes, and the small amount of dried blood that had leaked from my mouth.

Shaking my head to rid my self observation I started speaking." During these years, I finally came up with a name that suits me. My name is Cassin Beowulf."

|T-thats a good name, it suits you very well.| Sylvie said, I could feel the tremors that came from her tail slapping against the earth underneath us.

"Hey Sylvie [Sylvie tilts her head to the side] where is everyone else?" I asked

|oh, them, they left a little while ago. Papa told me that they were going to wait for you out here since the guild rescue team was coming soon.| Sylvie said

I nodded my head before placing my left hand on the dimension ring that was still somehow around my neck.

Running my innate mana into the ring a white cloak came out, being placed in my good hand.

The cloak looked new, like it was just made, it had no blemishes on it and looked a lot better than my old worn out black cloak that was full of holes.

Putting it on hid all of my features making me look like a faceless ghost. Standing up was a challenge of itself and walking felt like I would fall over at any moment.

Unfortunately I had lost my balance on one of my steps to reach the surface but before I could fall to the ground I crashed into Sylvie's side.

Looking up I could see her worried look on her face. I gently smiled and patted her side before I pushed off her and started walking again.

This time it was easier than before, like I was quickly remembering how to walk. Sylvie followed me the entire way up, never leaving my side to make sure that if I was going to fall again she could support me like before.

And luckily all of the bat runners that we came across on our way back up all ran away after receiving a glare from Sylvie.

And before we knew it, we were both at the stairway that lead out of the dungeon.

But before we continued any further I turned to Sylvie.

"Hey Sylvie [she turns her head towards me] I think you should change forms, if what you said is true then right outside these stairs is the adventures guild rescue team. How would they react if they saw a dragon appear out of nowhere, besides I'll be okay to walk up these stairs without your support." I said slightly smiling at Sylvie at the end.

Sylvie had turned her head to the side not meeting eye contact with me before she nodded her head.

And in a flash of blinding light, in the spot where the dragon Sylvie was a small white fox.

Sylvie suddenly turned to me and jumped onto my shoulder before hiding herself in the inside of my hood, curling up around my neck like a scarf.

And with Sylvie finally situated, I started moving again, slowly making my way towards the end of this hellish experience one slow step after the other.

( it's been a while since I wrote anything, (mostly because of writers block) so I hope this chapter was okay, and leave a review of how it was?)

(Word count: 887)

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