Chapter 7:

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Fang Younian and Jian Cheng yelled, refusing to give in to each other, and when they were about to make a move. Chen Yunzhou was caught in the middle and hurried to stop them. The passing students looked at them from time to time, but they didn’t dare to approach them.

Before Fang Younian and Jian Cheng started fighting, Sheng Zhuo and Chi Le were finally woken up by the sound from the door.

When Chen Yunzhou saw the two big brothers woke up, he almost cried out of excitement, otherwise he really couldn’t stop them alone.

Chi Le came over rubbing his hair, and looked at the two wrestling people with dazed eyes, “Yo, doing morning exercises?”

Jian Cheng: “…”

Fang Younian: “…”

They both were relieved at the same time and turned their heads away with a soft hum.

Sheng Zhuo came over behind Chi Le, ignored them, and patted Chen Yunzhou on the shoulder, “Help me move the table and chair back, I’ll go wash up first.”

Chen Yunzhou nodded, seeing that Fang Younian and Jian Cheng showed no sign of doing anything again, he ignored them and walked into the classroom to move the table, Jian Cheng glared at Fang Younian, and followed inside.

Fang Younian opened his mouth, and was about to ask what was going on, when Sheng Zhuo took a few steps forward and looked back at Chi Le, “Together?”

Chi Le yawned lazily, put his pockets in his pockets and followed.

Fang Younian: “…” Your mother1actually means mud horse but it sounds like your mother and the complete phrase is grass mud horse which means fuck your mother., what’s going on?

There will be a parent-teacher meeting in the afternoon, and classes will be held as usual in the morning.

Although Chi Le didn’t sleep well last night, he still honestly took out his textbooks during class and looked at the podium with a correct posture.

It’s a bit embarrassing to say it, but Chi Le is actually a very hard-working student. He finishes his homework on time every day, listens carefully in class, and never delays even if he has a cold or fever. He has an extremely serious attitude towards learning.

Jian Cheng turned his head and glanced at Sheng Zhuo, seeing that Sheng Zhuo was lying on the table and started to catch up on sleep, he couldn’t help but tsk, and muttered softly: “Can’t the top student have a bit of a top student’s attitude?”

Jian Cheng has been ranked second in grade all year round, and so Sheng Zhuo is an insurmountable mountain for him.

Chi Le took out a pen, took notes seriously and said, “Even as a bad performing student like me, do I still have a bad performing student’s attitude?”

“You’re different…” Jian Cheng didn’t continue to speak, looked down and saw Sheng Zhuo’s legs stretched out from behind, and subconsciously distanced himself a bit from Chi Le, “Sheng Zhuo has long arms and legs, it must be hard for him to sleep like this.”

Chi Le glanced back. Sheng Zhuo had long legs and long arms. When he was hunched over the desk, it seemed uncomfortable, as if there was no room for his legs and feet to stretch. In fact, the school desks and chairs were quite high, so Sheng Zhuo2I think it was a typo because it said Chi Le instead of Sheng Zhuo, do you think it makes sense if it were Chi Le? didn’t have much trouble when he slept on the desk. The main reason was that he was tall.

Chi Le’s thoughts turned to height involuntarily, he hesitated for a moment, and asked Jian Cheng: “You said that if an Alpha is shorter than your own Omega, it isn’t good?”

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