Chapter 19:

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The morning sun was dazzling, and the light came in from the window, filling the room with bright light.

Chi Le was a little dazed when he woke up. The surrounding environment was so strange that he couldn't tell where he was for a while.

He blinked his eyes, turned over on the bed, and saw Sheng Zhuo on the opposite bed.

Strange room, strange bed, there is only one thing in the whole room that is familiar, that is the person on the opposite side, this situation is so familiar no matter how you think about it, Chi Le almost thought he was dreaming again.

Sheng Zhuo was lying flat on the bed, the quilt covering his body neatly, the light reflected on his face, the profile of his face appeared softer than usual. Since he was a light sleeper, he opened his eyes when Chi Le turned his lower body.

Seeing Sheng Zhuo's opened eyes, Chi Le finally realized before opening his mouth that this was not a dream, he turned his words around and finally said "Morning" dryly.

Sheng Zhuo seemed a little annoyed to wake up, with a sullen face, he gave a soft 'Mn', sat up from the bed, lifted the quilt, got up, and went to the bathroom.

His hair was a little messed up, his eyes were slightly hidden, his pupils were dark, his face was not smiling, and his gestures were lazy and indifferent. He was different from what Chi Le usually saw, so Chi Le unconsciously looked at him for a couple of seconds more and felt that it was a little bit refreshing.

When he retracted his eyes, his eyes inadvertently slid across the position below Sheng Zhuo's waist, he paused for a moment, his gaze was hastily fixed, he looked at it for a moment, and then closed his eyes in a panic.

Damn, his wife's seems to be bigger than his own.

Chi Le didn't want to believe it and suspected that he was wrong, so he opened his eyes slightly and took a sneak peek.

It's over, it is indeed bigger than his own.

After washing up, Sheng Zhuo came out, and all signs of morning grogginess disappeared. He returned to his usual self, with a calm expression and a refreshed appearance.

He tousled his hair, looked up, and saw Chi Le lying on the pillow sullenly, listless as if he had been hit by something.

Sheng Zhuo walked over and sat down beside the bed, reached out, and rubbed the back of his head, "What's wrong?"

Chi Le turned to look at him, her face sank into the soft pillow, and he sighed silently.

Sheng Zhuo laughed, "Is it a nightmare?"

Chi Le nodded, looking straight at him with a pair of dark eyes, "It's a big nightmare."

"What kind of nightmare?" Sheng Zhuo pinched his ears lightly, "It can scare you like this. Could it be that you dreamed of some monster?"

Chi Le's lips moved for a while, and finally, he uttered four words in an unclear manner, "Truly a huge monster."


Sheng Zhuo inexplicably felt that the way he looked at him was a bit strange.

"What kind of huge monster?"

Chi Le buried his head in the pillow and rubbed it vigorously, the words 'refuse to answer' were written all over his body.

"...Touching your hair like this will make your scares go away." Sheng Zhuo thought he was still afraid and gently touched his soft hair. "Get up quickly, it's almost time to gather."

Chi Le's cheeks turned slightly red, feeling that Sheng Zhuo's tone was like comforting a child.

Sheng Zhuo saw that his face was gradually turning red, thinking that his mood had eased, and he no longer thought about that 'nightmare', so he stood up and wanted to help him up.

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