Chapter 1:

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Chi Le opened his eyes and saw the face of his bitter rival close at hand.

Sheng Zhuo was lying beside him, his black hair was fluffy, and the loose hair covered half of his face. He looked a little more lazy than usual, his eyes were gently closed, and he was sleeping soundly.

Chi Le gasped and bounced back in fright.

How could he get so close to Sheng Zhuo? Why is Sheng Zhuo's arm around his waist? Where is this?

Countless question marks flashed through Chi Le's mind as he stared straight at Sheng Zhuo, so shocked that he forgot to respond.

The curtains were only half drawn, and the warm sun shone into the room from the other half, fell on Sheng Zhuo's face, and cast a small shadow on his thin eyelids.

Sheng Zhuo's eyelids moved slightly, but he did not open his eyes, but precisely pulled Chi Le back into his arms, and asked in a muffled voice, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Chi Le's body froze. He smelled a faint scent on his body, which smelled like an Alpha pheromone, but the scent was already very weak, and he couldn't smell what it was.

Chi Le frowned, he was a Beta just like Sheng Zhuo, how could there be an Alpha smell on him?

Sheng Zhuo closed his eyes, seeing that Chi Le didn't answer, he rubbed the back of Chi Le's head naturally, inserted his fingers into his soft hair, pressed and rubbed slightly, as if he was using this way to comfort Chi Le who was 'having a nightmare'.

Chi Le recovered from his daze and tried to push him away.

"Be good..." Sheng Zhuo's voice had some magnetic huskiness from just waking up and seemed a little gentle, "We slept too late last night, let's sleep a little longer."

Chi Le's whole body seemed to be in shutdown, and he was frozen on the spot.

Slept too late last night?

And...why did Sheng Zhuo hug him so naturally and intimately!

Sheng Zhuo soon fell asleep again, and his breathing gradually became even. Chi Le wanted to break away from Sheng Zhuo's hand, but he didn't expect Sheng Zhuo's strength to be so strong that it took a long time to come out from, with his hair looking like a chicken's nest.

Chi Le stared at Sheng Zhuo with his disheveled hair and took a second look inquiringly. He found that Sheng Zhuo's face lacked a bit of youthful vigor, and was more mature and steadier, which seemed to be a little different from what he remembered.

Chi Le sat up and rubbed his messy hair, looking at the strange room in front of him in dismay.

He was clearly in school just now, why did he appear here? He tried to pinch himself and found that it really hurt. Could it be that this is not a dream?

Chi Le was full of doubts and looked around the room aimlessly. This is not the room in his memory, but it is in the style he likes at first glance. There are many things he likes in the room, such as LEGOs, models, jigsaw puzzles... There is even a life-sized cartoon figure.

Chi Le's eyes lingered on the LEGOs for a while before he reluctantly moved away. He had never seen those LEGOs sets before, and he didn't know if they were new sets. His hands were itchy. If everything in front of him was not so shocking, he may have jumped out of bed and pieced the parts together.

He forced himself to look away, and when he looked up, he happened to see the photo on the opposite wall. He stopped suddenly, his eyes widened, and he stared at the opposite side motionlessly.

There is a huge photo hanging on the white wall. In the photo, he and Sheng Zhuo are standing together in suits and smiling at the camera. Sheng Zhuo and he are both wearing black suits, smiling like fools. Holding a red flower, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a wedding photo.

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