Chapter 22:

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Under everyone's petrified gaze, Sheng Zhuo dragged Chi Le up the stairs.

Everyone's eyes gradually became ambiguous.

Shen Ziyue wailed: "I understand!"

Her tone was low, but there was a faint excitement in her eyes.

Zhou Lu held her hand, eyes were equally excited, "The handsome guy really belongs to a handsome guy!"

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Ship material!

Fang Younian couldn't understand, and rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Chi Le must have deliberately slandered Brother Zhuo's innocence and wanted to take away Brother Zhuo's attention!"

"Nonsense!" Jian Cheng squinted at him, "Lele is drunk and confused, he clearly regards Sheng Zhuo as his favorite female idol!"

Zhou Lu and Shen Ziyue looked at them contemptuously at the same time, where did these two straight men1can also mean naive/clueless etc. come from?

Upstairs, Sheng Zhuo led Chi Le back to the room.

Chi Le has been very obedient ever since he recognized him as his wife. He follows whatever Sheng Zhuo asks him to do, sitting when told to sit, reaching out when told to reach out, and his eyes always follow Sheng Zhuo's movements. He's so well-behaved.

Sheng Zhuo wiped his hands with a wet towel, wiped each of his fingers clean, and finally pinched his round fingertips lightly.

With a sweet alcohol smell on Chi Le's body, he burped lightly, and called out in a sticky voice, "Wife!"

Sheng Zhuo patted his face, "Who are you calling wife?"

"You!" Chi Le looked proud and put his arms around Sheng Zhuo's neck, "You are my wife!"

Sheng Zhuo raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

Chi Le blinked his misty eyes, and smiled sweetly at him, "I will treat you well, and I will work hard to earn money to support you in the future!"

Sheng Zhuo smiled, "You want me to be your wife so badly?"

"Actually, I don't really want to." Chi Le waved his hands in disgust, his cheeks flushed, "But I have no choice."

Sheng Zhuo's face turned dark.

He was too lazy to pay attention to the little drunk in front of him and wanted to straighten up, but as soon as he got up, Chi Le dragged him back. Chi Le hugged his neck and did not let go, leaning in front of him, like a monkey hanging on his body, the strength is not small.

Sheng Zhuo pinched his chin angrily and shook, "Isn't there no choice? I'll let you choose now, let me go."

Chi Le couldn't understand but felt that Sheng Zhuo had made him dizzy even more, so he leaned over and softly rubbed his cheek, "Honey, don't make trouble."

Sheng Zhuo lost his temper after being rubbed, he laughed at himself, he was unsure why he was bothering with a drunken person. He let Chi Le rub for a while and then pinched the back of Chi Le's neck, "Go take a bath. "

Chi Le shook his head, "Wherever my wife goes, I go."

"..." Sheng Zhuo was silent for a moment, then said blankly, "It was your wife who asked you to take a bath."

"Ah." Chi Le opened his mouth, let go of him without hesitation, and walked to the bathroom, "A good husband must listen to his wife, I'll go wash now."

Sheng Zhuo: "..."

Chi Le walked to the door of the bathroom and banged on the door panel.

Sheng Zhuo pinched the center of his brows with a headache, pulled Chi Le off the door panel, and opened the door for him.

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