Chapter 16:

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The results of the final exam were announced soon. Sheng Zhuo was still the first in class, and Chi Le was ranked 23rd in the class, two places ahead from the last time. There was not much difference, and the results were still comparable.

Chi Jindong has always spoiled Chi Le and basically has no demands on him, he only hopes that he can grow up safely and healthily, as for his grades, Chi Jindong doesn't care at all.

Chi Le's mother is an omega named Bai Man, and Chi Jindong and her were childhood sweethearts. After she died of illness, Chi Jindong never thought of marrying another.

Chi Le is the only son of Chi Jindong in his life. He usually has nothing to do, so he keeps earning money. Anyway, he has saved his family fortune for Chi Le. When it comes to it, he just wants to see Chi Le live a happy life, and after he dies, he will be buried with Bai Man, ensuring that he fulfilled his responsibility to his wife.

Therefore, after he learned about Chi Le's grades, instead of reprimanding him, he praised Chi Le for improving by two places and even took Chi Le to a restaurant for a nice meal, calling it a celebration. This left Chi Le feeling both amused and touched, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

When winter vacation started, Chi Jindong took Chi Le with him for three days. On the fourth day, Chi Jindong personally sent Chi Le to the winter camp.

He was a little surprised when he first found out that Chi Le was going to participate in the winter camp, but he has always been responsive to Chi Le and agreed after checking the Tengfei Winter Camp and knowing that it was a formal institution.

When Chi Le arrived at the place, he took the suitcase out of the car by himself, then turned around and waved to Chi Jindong. Chi Jindong knew that his son was getting older and didn't want him to interfere, so he smiled and drove away.

The weather is fine today, the sky is exceptionally blue, there is a bus parked by the side of the road, and Sheng Zhuo is standing beside the bus with his hands in his pockets, holding a lollipop in his mouth, which was stuffed in his pocket by Chi Le on the day of winter vacation.

Chi Le grabbed the suitcase, ran over excitedly, bumped him with his body, and when he turned around, he held his leg and called, "Ouch, my leg is injured."

Sheng Zhuo turned to look at him, and asked with a smile in his eyes, "Then what can be done?"

Chi Le blinked, "You're the one who bumped into me, so you're responsible."

"How should I take responsibility? Should I find a doctor to give you a couple of shots?" Sheng Zhuo continued to ask with a smile.

"No need for that much trouble." Chi Le smiled and handed over the luggage. "Just help me carry the suitcase."

Chen Yunzhou stuck his head out of the window and exaggeratedly shouted, "Are all the scammers this obvious nowadays?"

Fang Younian popped his head out from beside him and, seeing Chi Le and the suitcase next to him, widened his eyes and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Of course, I'm here to participate in the winter camp," Chi Le replied, knowing that Fang Younian didn't like him. He intentionally laid his hand on Fang Younian's shoulder and smiled brightly, asking, "Surprised or not? Unexpected, isn't it? For the next half month, you'll see me every day."

Fang Younian retracted his head with a dark face, closed the window, and went directly out of sight.

Chile thinks this person is really naive, unlike him who is a good boy who knows how to unite and be friendly.

Sheng Zhuo helped Chi Le carry the suitcase to the bus, and Chi Le followed behind him bouncing up, his legs were no longer hurt, and he was more flexible than usual.

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