Chapter 36:

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After finishing one answer sheet, Chi Le was then watched by Sheng Zhuo while previewing the next lesson. He spent another half an hour memorizing vocabulary. By the time he completed all his tasks, it was already evening. Chi Le was asked to stay for dinner, and after the meal, he chatted with Lin Yuran. Only when it was completely dark did he finally leave and return home.

Chi Le bid farewell to Sheng Zhuo, Sheng Zhuo looked at him with a serious face, and tried to keep him with his eyes.

Chi Le pretended he didn't see it, turned his back and put on his shoes, and secretly touched his stinging lips at an angle that Sheng Zhuo couldn't see. In Sheng Zhuo's current state, it would be absolutely dangerous for him to stay any longer.

Don't think he can't see it. Although Sheng Zhuo looks normal on the surface, his eyes almost want to swallow him. After hanging out with him today, he is fully aware of the seriousness of an Alpha in a susceptible period. The lustful eyes were unbearable, now that the night was quiet, he had to run quickly, otherwise, the extremely hungry wolf would really eat people.

No wonder everyone says that an Alpha's susceptibility period is like the hunting period of male animals, and it's true!

Sheng Zhuo didn't know that Chi Le was treating him like a scourge in his heart. He stood by the door and watched Chi Le put on his shoes, watched Chi Le say goodbye to him, and finally watched Chi Le push the door and go out.

He clenched his fists unconsciously, and the restlessness in his chest could not be calmed down. Whenever Chi Le was out of his sight, he became irritable. To be precise, he wanted to beat everyone up. If he could, he hates that he couldn't keep Chi Le out of his sight for a moment.

But he knew he couldn't do that; he couldn't let the desire in his heart detain Chi Le.

Chi Le couldn't bear it before leaving, so he turned his head and took a quick look at Sheng Zhuo, "I'll come back tomorrow morning."

Sheng Zhuo looked slightly relaxed and nodded slightly.

Lin Yuran arranged for a driver to send Chi Le away and turned back to see Sheng Zhuo standing by the door with a gloomy expression, staring at the exhaust of the car as if he resented it for taking Chi Le away. He seemed completely different from the person he was in front of Chi Le just now.

Lin Yuran was immediately happy, "It's useless to watch, why don't you go to bed early, and Lele will come when you wake up tomorrow."

Sheng Zhuo sat on the sofa, closed his eyes, "I can't sleep."

Every minute and second of the susceptible period was extremely difficult to endure. These past few days, he had almost stayed awake all night, only managing to sleep for a while yesterday after Chi Le arrived. However, it wasn't for long, and he pretended to be unaffected the whole time, afraid that Chi Le would worry about him.

Lin Yuran looked at him worriedly, hesitated to speak, and couldn't think of any good way to comfort him, so she could only go to the kitchen to make him a bowl of calming soup, hoping it would help.

Sheng Zhuo rubbed the center of his brows, a sense of irritability shrouded his whole body, thinking of Chi Le, the gloom between his brows and eyes slowly dissipated.

The next day Chi Le went to the Sheng Residence and brought Gummy Bear along with him. Gummy Bear wagged its tail and was very excited along the way.

Sheng Zhuo was afraid of hurting others, so he hadn't gone out for a few days, Chi Le wanted to take him out to bask in the sun and walk Gummy Bear. Anyways, people who always stay indoors can easily change moods, Chi Le feels that Sheng Zhuo's current situation might be better if they go out for a walk.

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