Chapter 35:

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Chi Le's cheeks were still hot when he got home. He covered his face and collapsed on the sofa. After a while, he took out his phone and secretly checked how can AA be together.

After kissing him, he must take responsibility for Sheng Zhuo.

You can't be a Young Master Chi who starts messing around and ends up ditching!

He lay on the sofa and checked it with his mobile phone for two hours. Later, he became more and more excited. He even found a pen and took detailed notes. When Chi Jindong came home, he found his son sitting at the table, writing hard, and his learning status has never been better.

He was amused all of a sudden and asked with a smile, "What are you writing, all so serious?"

Chi Le subconsciously covered his notes, pursed his lips, raised his head hesitantly, and said, "Dad, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Chi Jindong threw his coat on the sofa, sat down beside him, poured himself a cup of tea, and asked casually, "What's the matter?"

Chi Le cleared his throat, "My future partner can't have children, okay?"

Chi Jindong paused: "...???"

Wait, where did this subject come from!?


Chi Jindong naturally has no objections. He has always believed that grandchildren will find their own paths to happiness. If he ends up having grandchildren in the future, he'll happily embrace them. But if not, he's content with that as well. As long as his son is willing, that's all that matters.

As for who Chi Le's partner is, Chi Jindong asked for a long time, and he refused to say. Chi Jindong could only give up asking for the time being. Anyway, he knows his son, and his son couldn't hide his words, so he had to tell him sooner or later.

He cheerfully went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. His son found someone, so he had to celebrate!

Chi Le easily passed his father's hurdle, completely let go of the big rock in his heart, and happily made a perfect AA love plan.

He marked all the problems that may arise, and he is not afraid of any problems, and he can solve them slowly.

AA will also have a bright future!

He was in a better mood, swept away the sluggishness of the previous few days, and had a smile on his lips when he slept at night.

Sheng Zhuo video called before going to bed and asked Chi Le to go to the  Sheng residence to accompany him tomorrow.

What can Chi Le do? Of course, get used to it.

Alpha wives are wives too, you know?

So what if they're a bit stronger than him? Or a bit more aggressive in fights? Or a bit taller than him?


Forget it, don't think about it.

Chi Le slept very comfortably this time, except for a twitch on the back of his neck, he had almost no dreams all night.

Waking up in the morning, he rubbed the back of his neck, casually picked up the phone beside the bed, and found that the information bar was full of messages from Sheng Zhuo, all urging him to hurry over.

Tsk tsk, his wife is getting clingier.

Chi Le smiled, and after tidying up, he went straight to Sheng Residence. Sheng Zhuo's condition is very bad now, and he has to accompany Sheng Zhuo. Even if he can't share Sheng Zhuo's pain, he can still chat with Sheng Zhuo. Take care of him when needed.

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