after math

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(Nick and Charlie aren't together yet but you’ll see)
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Texting: Nick and charlie (Charlie hasn’t been is school for 4 days)
N “Are the rumors true?”
C “What?” Charlie thinks to himself “What does he know? The rape? The Suicide attempt?”
N “Did Ben rape you?”
Charlie’s tears falling on to his screen as he types “yes” not sure if he should it but he decides to, 
N “Oh my god, are you ok?!”
C “yeah… I think so 🤷” 
N “I’m here if you need literally ANYTHING”
C “Thank you Nick <3”
"Your a good friend Nick”
They message everyday for the 3 weeks before he goes back to school,
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Charlie walking into the doors of the Library his eyes Instantly darting to the spot that it happened, seeing everything as if he was a stranger seeing it for the first time, trying to not see it, trying to focusing on other people but there is only one person in there, Nick, Charlie sits next to him on the floor.
Nick wraps his arms around Charlie, thinking about, imagining all the shit he must have gone through, and thinking about just how good of a friend he is. This hug being much longer than any other hug between friends should be both of them releasing and thinking
 “are we more than friends? I mean I like him…“ Nick turns his head kissing his forehead, “Is that a friend thing to do?!” Charlie thinks to himself.
N “I- Sorry… I- I don’t know… I like you, a lot~”
C “No~ I- I-”
N “I- Can I Kiss you… like on the lips?”
Charlie nods nervously, Nick grabbing his chin kissing the corner of his mouth, his hand running slowly though his slightly knotted curls, breaking the knots. Nick moves his lips more centered on Charlie's lips, before breaking away slowly, his breath slow and calm. 
N "That was… good~”
Charlie felt a completely different feeling, the anxiety setting in, “This is how Ben started, a small kiss every so often, then well that happened…” It seems like Nick can read his thoughts.
N “Oh- Oh my god… I- won’t do anything like Ben did to you… I actually care about you, Charlie~”
Nick hugs Charlie softly and he just keeps repeating “I care about you” in Charlie’s ear, it calms him slightly, but not enough. 
N “Do you want me to leave? I won't be mad~ I get it~”
C “No… I like you… I liked it~ but I started over thinking”
Nick kisses Charlie forehead, 
N “I swear to god I wont do anything like that to you! I like you… I didn’t know I had a thing for boys until I met you but… I definitely like you… I literally took a 'Am I gay' quiz on Buzzfeed last night" Nick laughs and looks into Charlie’s eyes 
N “Can I hug you?” 
Charlie nods pretty much falling into his arms, Nick’s chin resting on his head, the feeling oddly comforting for both of them. Nick hears a sobbing sound grabbing Charlie’s chin kissing his forehead, seeing the tears on his face wiping them away with his thumb. 
N “Oh Charlie~”
C “I know… I don’t- they just start I can’t control them…”
N “Use me as a shoulder to cry on… I want to help you”
Nick hugs Charlie again, the feeling of comfort running over charlie the tears not stopping but definitely slowing down. 
N "I care about you~"
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