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Prepare the tear ducts, they will be called to the scene…

TW: doing SH, and smutty 
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Nick kissing him all over, his hands feeling his smooth hair with no knots anywhere to find. “He really is feeling better” 
N “This is really happening~”
C “If you want it to~”
Charlie back up waiting for Nick to say whether to “Stop” or to “Keep going”
N “I want it to~ I’m going to let you control everything that happens, ok? dear~”
Charlie nods as he unbuttons Nick’s jeans kissing his chest, 
C "Can I take your boxers off?~"
Nick nods as Charlie's hand guide them off, 
C "Wow~ I was not expecting that~"
Nick grins kissing Charlie's neck, Charlie takes his hands and opens Nick's legs, he moves sitting on the ground, his hands resting on Nick's thighs as if it's a plate and he's waiting for permission to eat. 
C "C-can I~"
Nick nods about a thousand times, Charlie takes him into his hands, kissing his thighs; teasing him.
N "C-can you hurry up?~"
Carlie nods, taking Nick's hard cock into his mouth, feeling everything, both loving this feeling. Charlie bopping his head up and down. 
N "Ah~ Char-Charlie~"
Nick's leg twitching as he moans, 
C "Are you ready for more?~"
Nick nods, Charlie dropping him out of his mouth; climbing back on his lap. 
C "Are you ready?~"
N "Yes~ Are you?"
C "Yes~"
Charlie kisses Nick's forehead, 
N "S-so d-do you want some p- prep?~"
C “Yes please~ T-thank you for caring~”
Nick kisses Charlie with every kiss saying “I care” against his skin,
N “Just a reminder… I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing… I don’t know anything about this really…”
C “Just do what feels right~”
Charlie turns around and prepares, feeling Nick’s fingers slide in; feeling the saliva around his fingers, his body stiffens his mind goes to ben, 
❁    ❁    ❁
B “bend over”
Charlie, completely out of hope, he just listens, Ben pulls his boxers down in the back slowly shoving his fingers in knowing what to do, at least make it a pain less for himself, taking his fingers out now shoving his dick in. 
C “Stop~ I hate this~”
Ben grips into Charlie’s waist, lifting him off the ground; 
B “Fuck~ you feel so sweet”
❁    ❁    ❁
Tears quickly steaming down his face, 
C “Stop! Stop! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Nick instantly takes if fingers out wiping them on his jeans instinctually, Charlie just falling to the floor crying, his eyes puffy filled with tears, his mouth jittering like he’s trying to talk but can’t get a single word out, 
N “Aw~ Char~ C’mere~”
Charlie stays on the floor shaking he head over and over again, 
N “Charlie~”
Charlie gets up running to the bathroom, tears still running down his face even harder than before, Nick quickly gets up, pulling up his jeans, wiping the tears off his own face not because of anger, but because he knew what Charlie was doing to himself right now.
C “Stay out!”
❁    ❁    ❁
Charlie slams the door, his loud cries echoing through Nick’s mind, hearing the lock of the door, “That’s not a good sign…”
N “I won't come in… I’ll be right here, talk to me… What happend?~”
Both of their voices shaky from crying, 
C “I- I went back to ben… I started feeling everything he did to me, B-but you were doing it”
N “I’m not mad charlie, but should I call tori and go home… I don’t want you to feel weird about this~ I still love you just as much if not more~”
C “Don’t call tori~ I don’t want her to know”
N “Can I come in? Please char~ I just want to help you~”
The door unlocks and Nick opens it not knowing what to expect. Seeing Charlie sitting on the floor, blade in his hand, Fresh bleeding cuts all over his thighs and wrists, tears on his chest and the cuts. 
N “Can I have the blade?”
Nick puts out his hand, Charlie’s shaky hand placing the bloody blade in his hand. 
N “Thank you~”
Nick sits next to him, grabbing a towel patting off the blood, wetting and patting more, 
N “I’m not mad Char~”
C “I’m sorry… I- I thought I was better now…”
N “Your trying to pretend it never happened, whether you like it or not it’s part of your life now”
C “I know… I don’t want it to be though~”
Once his cuts are clean Nick moves kissing each and every one, even the old ones. 
C “Nicky I- I love you. Your so understanding, you just know what to do to make me not feel like a mentally ill person, and just a person”
N “Your not just a person, your the best one I’ve ever met”
Charlie smiles moving to kiss Nick, Nick kissing back. 
C “Can we not go back to what we were doing?”
N “I wasn’t planning on it~ I’ll stay over if you want though~”
C “I need you here…”
Nick nods and kisses charlie’s cheek,
N “Then I’ll stay.~ Come on~ let's go to bed~”
❁    ❁    ❁ 
Nick holds Charlie’s hand walking back to bed, He sits down opening his arms, Charlie  hugging him. 
N "a reminder~ I love you~ You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met~ I want to be with you forever~"
C “Aw~ I love you too~”
N “I know~ I know~ But I love you more~”
C “you made my life worth living… and you just saved my life, I will love you and I do love you~”
Nick lays down Charlie still in his arms, kissing behind his ear whispering,
N "Night love~"

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