Fight (VERY SAD)

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(1 week later a day before the trial)
C "I'm sorry I'm scared for tomorrow!"
Charlie is sitting on Nick's bed in a fetal position rocking back and forth. 
N "I waited for you Charlie! I've done so much for you and now you say you don't want me to not be your boyfriend?!"
C "I- I never said that… I said maybe we should have some time apart… I- I don't want you to see what might happen after the trial… I don't want to make you feel terrible because of me…"
N "I love you though… "
tears streaming down both of their faces, Charlie's knees popping up and down. 
N "Y-you promised you wouldn't break up with me…"
N "I've done so much for you! I WAITED FOR YOU."
C " do you want a reward for that?! THAT'S WHAT ANYONE WOULD DO?!"
N "Ben fucking didn't."
C "Too far… too fucking far mate."
Charlie gets up pushing Nick out of the way; tears still streaming down his face, walking out slamming the door. 
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T (tori) "Charlie what's wrong"
C "M-me and Nick had a fight…"
Tears streamed faster and faster than his face, his hands on his thighs gripping into his sweatpants. 
T "Charlie… I- I'm sorry… D-do you want me to leave?..."
C "Can you stay for a little? I don't want to be alone…" 
Tori nods sitting next to him on his bed, 
T "So… what happened?..."
C "I was telling about how I was scared for tomorrow… and then I mentioned taking a little break from the relationship because I don't know how the trial is going to affect me… and he started getting mad… then we started yelling at each other… then he said something that was too far… and then I left…"
Tori wraps her arms around Charlie, 
T "I'm sorry Charlie…"
C "Not your fault"
Tori knows whenever Charlie says this it means he thinks it's his fault, 
T "It's not yours either"
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