He deserves it

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Nick walks Tori next to him, both of them filled with anger; they walk up to the door, knocking on it waiting for someone to answer. Nick puts on a fake smile and so does tori, then someone opens the door.
BD (Ben’s dad) “Hello?”
T “We’re friends of Ben… he hasn’t been is school and we have some of his school work”
Tori gestures to her back pack, 
BD “Ok? Come in I guess… He is up stairs”
They walk up the stairs turning and smiling as they knock on the only door up there. 
B “Dad? Oh- oh- I didn’t do what they’re saying I did”
They walk in, Nick shutting the door and locking it Tori chuckles softly to herself,
T “We just want to talk- why did you even touch him he was saying ‘no’ the whole fucking time, and don’t even try to denie it”
B “I- I was questioning myself a lot I needed to know how it felt… with a boy…”
N “and you couldn’t wait till he was concentsensual? You had to fucking rape him?”
B “I’m sorry all right! I- I wasn’t thinking!”
T “you know… that night Charlie tried to kill himself?”
B “I- I don’t really care about him! I- He’s the only fagot in a 25 mile radius that I didn’t think would say anything!”
Nick pins him against the wall bashing in his face with his fist, His other fist slamming a rear hook into Ben’s ribs just seconds later,
N “Don’t fucking call him that!”
B “O- Ok I- I won't!”
Nick drops him back down, 
N “So what did you find out? Do you like fucking helpless boys?”
B “Y- why are you asking me this?!”
N “well that boy you raped is my boyfriend, he and so much fucking trama from you, You caused him to relapse, You caused him to nearly kill himself, you are the fucking reason! If you tell fucking anyone about is I will fucking kill you.”
After 3 minutes of silence Ben’s dad opens the door, 
BD "Ok- I need you two to leave… we have company coming over in a few”
T “Ok sir I’m sorry for the convenience!”
They walk back down stairs leaving quickly, Not speaking a word as they walk back to the spring’s house. 
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T “Hey Charlie~”
Tori kicks off her boots walking over to Charlie who is zoned out on the couch, she sees a little blood on his wrist, grabbing it 
T “Come on~ let me clean it”
Tori grabs his hand walking to the bathroom running it under some water patting it off with a towel, taking some hydrogen peroxide, 
T "Might sting~"
C "I'm sorry~"
Tori shakes her head as she pours a little out on a cotton pad dabbing off the fresh blood,
T "Don't say sorry~"
She places down a band-aid, taking her hand roughing up Charlie's hair as he smiles,
C "Thank you,"
T "go outside~ someone wants to kiss you before he goes home~"
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