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They sit next to each other, still holding each others hand, Ben walks out, Charlie's grip tightens, Nick whispers to Charlie,
N "your ok baby~"
C "I love you~"
Charlie whispers back, his breath deep trying to not have a panic attack.
N "Your safe baby~ I've got you~"
Nick presses his body against Charlie, grabbing his thigh even though it was a very tight grip; It's soothing for Charlie, feeling Nick's grip was calming.
C "thank you for being here~"
Charlie whispers, placing his hand over Nick's, Nick feeling his hand shaking over his own.
N "You're okay baby~ There is no danger~"
Charlie rests his head on Nick's shoulder,
C "I- I want to stay at your house tonight"
N "That can be arranged"
Nick sneaks a kiss on Charlie's cheek,
N "we should stop talking..."
Charlie nodded, staring at Nick's lips wishing his could kiss them right now but knowing he shouldn't.
❁ ❁ ❁
Nick hugs Charlie kissing his cheek over and over again, Charlie kisses Nick's neck his arms wrapping around Nick's warm body, his smile as wide as it could be.
N "So~ You wanna ride with us to my place?"
Charlie nods, Smiling even more as he sees Ben being taken away, knowing he can never hurt him again, snapping out of his stare when Nick kisses his cheek.
N "I love you so much~ and I'm sorry for last night... I was just in a mood"
C "I know and I love you too~"
Charlie's mom walking up, charlie's mouth open about to ask his he can stay at Nick's,
CM "Yeah, if it's ok with Ms. Nelson you can go over there"
Charlie smiles and Nick looks at his mom, who is smiling and nodding; Nick mouths "thank you" at his mom.
N "Charlie~ next time I see you at a courthouse I will be marrying you, and I know that for a fact"
Charlie blushes covering his face in Nick's chest, Nick just lifting him up and carrying him to his car.
C "Put me down!"
Charlie says laughing,
N "Nope!"
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They get to Nick's house after both of them cuddling and kissing in the backseat, Nick opens the car door for Charlie, kissing his cheek as he gets out.
C "I love you so much"
Nick pulls his hand inside, running up stairs as Nick's mom yells to them,
NC "Tell me if you need anything! And just... be quiet... please..."
Nick closes his door,
N "I got you a gift~"
Charlie looks at him curiously,
C "what is it?"
Nick grabs a box of his dresser,
N "It's not much but"
Charlie opens the box seeing a lot of his favorite snacks, and bracelet with two little gems on it in the middle,
C "Aw~ what gems are these?"
N "Our two birthstones... I know it's cringy... but, I thought it was cute as well..."
C "I love it~"
Charlie puts it on, looking at it covering his scars, smiling knowing he should never have those feelings again
C "It covers most of my scars..."
N "Is that a good thing?"
C "Yeah"
Nick sits next to him, hugging him,
N "I love you~ I always will~"
Nick kisses Charlie's cheek,
N "Are you comfortable with being intimate?"
Charlie nods, running his hands through Nick's hair, kissing him again.
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