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(4 months later)
Nick and Charlie texting 
C “Nick”
N “Whats up”
C “I think I’m ready”
“To like yk?”
N “Like 3rd base?”
C “Yeah”
“If ur ready for that”
N “Can I come over so we can talk in person?”
“I just think we should talk about this before we decide, I do want to tho”
C “Come over <3”
❁    ❁    ❁
Nick knocks on the door, hearing Charlie run down the stairs; “He has improved so much~ he hasn’t cut in 2 months, he has been a lot more verbal with his emotions, and now this?~”
Charlie quickly opens the door kissing Nick’s cheek as he pulls him inside, 
N “So~ what sparked this mood?~”
Walking into his room seeing almost everything where it’s supposed to be, like 2 things on the floor smiling knowing that means he has been feeling a lot better.
C “Just… time~”
Nick hugs him from behind, this time Charlie tilts his head back kissing Nick’s neck.
C “I love you”
N “I love you~ I’m so proud of you too~”
Reminding Charlie that he is doing a good job with everything always makes him so happy, smiling from ear to ear. 
C “I’m proud of myself~”
N “So~ you think you’re ready~ I would want to talk about it before~ for boundaries and all…”
Charlie nods, wiggling out of Nick’s grip sitting on his bed; Nick moves sitting on Charlie’s bean bag.  
C “So… I- are you ready”
N "I am… but I think it would be better for it to happen naturally… but I want to know what you are ok with before we let it happen…"
C “I- I’m ok with… soft stuff not rough stuff… like I’m ok with sex just… lightly…”
N “Ok… good to know, I wouldn’t be too rough anyways because it would be my first time…”
C “Oh… I didn’t realize it would be your first”
N “Yeah~ your my first boyfriend”
Charlie gets up, sitting back down on Nick’s lap kissing his lips, 
C “Nicky… would you let me take your virginity~”
Nick nods, kissing Charlie over and over again.
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