blow job

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Charlie climbs onto the bed sitting at his side; unbuttoning his jeans. 
C “Baby~”
Nick moans as Charlie pulls down his boxers, holding his hard cock bending over kissing his inner thighs; moving his hands up and down hearing Nick’s soft whimpers.
N “Char-r~”
Nick’s leg jerks as Charlie speeds his hand across his cock, spitting to add to Nick’s pleasure. 
Charlie smiles as he hears Nick moan his name, knowing how much pleasure he is getting from this, 
C “You like that?~”
Nick nods quickly as he moans again and again, his leg twiching as he pleas for charlie to touch him more begging with his moans.
C “You want more don’t you”
He nods over and over, whimpering softly as he releases a small amount cum. His eyes widen as Charlie moves his hand even faster. 
N "Ch-Char~"
His mouth open and soft whimpers escaping every so often. 
C "Your so beautiful~"
Nick tries to speak but all he can get out is moans and squeals. 
C "Take off your shirt~"
Nick rips off his shirt as quickly as he can; throwing it to the side. Charlie spits again covering all of Nick's length. Nick's hands twist and turn on Nick's hard muscle. 
Nick whimpers as well as his leg jerking as he comes on Charlie's hands. 
C “Nicky~ don’t think I’m stopping now~”
Nick smiles glad his boyfriend is able to be intimate, his giggles softly as he says
N “what else did you have in mind~”
C “your gonna get a blow job~ If you want one”
Nick blushes and nods quickly, 
C “I’m not gonna take your virginity today though… I’m not ready… I- I think I will be soon though…”
N “I know~ I really glad your ok with this now~ and I don’t want you forcing your self”
C “I won't be all the time, I’m really horny and you are like my on switch…”
N “A-are you saying I turn you on?”
C “Yeah… You really do~”
N “Char~ would you let me touch you a little… I know it helps you to lead so your in control but… I want to try pleasing you like you just did for me~”
Charlie smiles bending down to kiss Nick’s chest
C “Some day~”
Charlie places his hands back on his cock yet this time he is only half hard, Charlie runs his fingers up and down Nick’s length, his hand running across Nick’s thigh. 
C "Mmhm~ I love seeing you squirm for me~"
Nick whimpers as charlie bends down kissing his tip slow, holding his cock forcing it to stick up, Charlie licks the tip slowly; his lips around his tip, going further and further down; take every inch of Nick’s full erect cock in between his lips. 
N “Mmhm~”
Charlie bobing his head up and down, often choking a little.
N “Char~”
Nick’s back is arching upward as he moans loudly trying to be quiet so no one figures out he is there but the need to moan grows till he can't serpress it. 
N “MHM~”
Charlie's hand goes to cover his mouth, making a slight “Shhh~” sound. Nick peals Charlie’s hand away from his mouth.
N “I’m real- really close Ch- Char”
Charlie speeds his lips across Nick’s girth, Nick whimpers as he comes onto Charlie’s cheek, trying so hard not to be loud. 
C “I loved everything about that”
Nick smiles softly he is so glad Charlie has healed this much, especially to hear him say “I loved everything about that” 
Charlie grabs a towel wiping it off his face secretly licking a little, 
C “Do you need some sweatpants or shorts? I don’t want you sleeping in your jeans again!”
N “No offense but your pants won't fit me!”
C “I stole some of yours… you can I have ones that don’t smell like you anymore I need you to stink ‘em up again…”
Charlie throws a pair of gray sweats at Nick, 
N “CHARLIE!!! I’ve been looking for these!”
C “C-can I have them? Please Nicky? I like wearing clothes that smell like you… It’s like a forever hug…”
N “Fine! Now get over here!”
Charlie climbs into Nick’s arms, kissing his cheek.
N “I probably going to leave before you wake up by the way… I don’t want your mom catching me again” 
Charlie nuzzles his face into Nick’s chest wrapping his arm around him. Nick kisses his forehead.
N “Love you baby”
C “I love you so much more”
N “fucking impossible”

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