I'm sorry

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C "Nick I'm sorry"
"I still want you at the trial"
"please come"
"I still love you"
"I still want to be your boyfriend"
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Each time the message is viewed but never responded to, Charlie decides to send him a voice message. 
C "Nicky I still love you, I still want you, I still want to talk to my best friend and boyfriend, I just don't want you feeling terrible because the trial goes wrong… I love you… please Nicky… come to the courtroom tomorrow… I need you there…"
it's very obvious from his voice that he was crying, the message gets viewed,
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Charlie, his parents and Tori pull up to the Courthouse, Oliver stays home with one of their aunts; his parents going to the Courtroom, Charlie stays in the car hoping that Nick will show up, he sends one final text hoping Nick will come. 
C "I need you here Nick please I cant do this without you"
he waits 10 minutes no show of Nick, he wipes his eyes as he walks into the room, then someone hugs him from behind,
C "Nick?"
N "I love you~"
Nick squeezes him as he nuzzles his head into Charlie's shoulder kissing his neck. 
C "Why didn't you text back?"
N "I didn't know what to say…"
C "Nicky I love you I always will"
N "I love you too"
Charlie turns around and kisses Nick's lips quickly, 
N "So do we gotta get in there?"
C "Yeah"
Nick grabs Charlie's hand walking into the court with him,

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