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(3 months later)
N "Hey Char~"
C "Hey Nick!"
Charlie runs over to Nick hugging him as Nick's eyes search around, 
C "Oh- sorry… I forgot your not out" 
N "No! Hug me! I don’t really care at this point!"
Charlie hugs Nick once again giving him a quick kiss on the check quickly backing away.
C "Why'd you come over? I mean I'm happy to see you but why now…" 
N “Well can’t I visit my boyfriend~!”
C “I- I’m your boyfriend?~”
N “No! I was talking about your dad! Yes you! Was that not obvious?”
C “It was… we just haven’t talked about it…”
N “Well do you want me to be?”
Charlie nods,
N “Well then let me?”
Charlie nods once more he kisses his cheek, 
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C “D-do you wanna come inside, Boyfriend~”
Charlie practically pulling him inside, 
C “So~ what do you wanna do? Nothing sexual please,”
N “I know, I wouldn’t do anything this early in a relationship anyways~ what about we watch some movies? Or play a game? Or just cuddle and talk? Anything with you is amazing~”
Charlie grabs his hand taking him into his room, 
C “Sorry for the mess, Depression… makes it hard to clean…”
Nick pulls him into a hug from behind slightly startling him, 
N “Can I help you clean?~”
C “I don’t want you to have to do that~”
N “I want to~ I want to help you~ anyway I can~”
C “Still~ It’s not your mess~ I have to deal with it~”
N “Ok~ I get it~ But what do you want to do~ I have a free day to spend with you~”
C “How ‘bout we just cuddle and talk for now~ maybe do a little bit of everything you suggested~”
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(2 months later)
Charlie cuddles onto Nick's chest; Nick's heart beat in Charlie's ear. 
N "Is this too much?~"
C "I like this Nick~ It's not too much~ I've never had this with anyone"
N "Nether have I~ but I definitely like this~"
Charlie cuddles deeper into Nick's chest, Nick's chin on his curls. 
N "You're so cute~"
C "You're so hot~"
Nick kisses his forehead, squeezing him a little tighter. 
N "So what's on your mind?~" 
C "Why me? Why did he do it to me?~"
N "Oh- ok~ um… I really don't know Charlie~ I- I'm sorry~"
C "Don't say sorry~ It's not your fault at all~"
N "I- If I just followed you after rugby… I knew something was off… I could have stopped him… I could have… saved you…"
C "Nickolas~ Stop… Stop blaming yourself" 
Tears falling from Nick's eyes wiping them away before Charlie sees them. 
N "I could have… I could have stopped him!"
C "No~ you couldn't have! He would have done it to me anyways… he would have found a way"
Nick arms wrap tighter around Charlie's waist, 
N "I- I am so glad your still here~"
C "S-so am I…"
Charlie lies straight through his teeth hoping Nick won't notice. Nick looks down at him,
N "Are you? You don't sound sure~"
Charlie started balling his eyes after he held it in for so long just letting it flow out felt so hard to do. 
N "Baby~ I'm guessing that's a- just c'mere~" 
Charlie turns around; his eyes puffy like he has been crying for hours. 
N "I don't blame you~ with all you've been through… but don't do it, please… so many people love you~"
Charlie looks into Nick's eyes,
C "And I love them too~" 
The dry tears on both of their faces. Charlie crawls up Nick's body, kissing him quickly. 
C "You're a good kisser~"
N "Thank you~ your really good at it too~"
Nick wraps his arms around Charlie kissing him again. 
N "tell me if I do anything you don't like~ or you want to stop~"
C "I like it~ I love this feeling…"
Nick kisses him once again just like the 1st time, if fingers unknotting his hair, but this time… they both like it. 
N and C (at the same time) "I love… you" 
C "I- you do?~"
N "Yes! I do, I love every inch of you! Not like that!" 
They both laugh and Charlie looks into his eyes, 
C “I love you too~ from your head to your toes~”
Nick squeezes him tighter; kissing his cheek over and over again. 
C “Can we go a little further than we have before?”
N “Like… How much”
C “I think I’d be ok with 2nd base at the furthest…”
N “I’d like that~ I- still tell me if I go too far~ I’ll stop~ ok sweetie?~”
C "God~ I love you so much~”
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Nick kisses charlie’s neck his hands running into Charlie’s shirt, 
C “Nicky~ I- Can you just slow down~ I want to do it~ just slower~ Ok?~”
Nick nods as he slides his hands across his chest, kissing his neck slowly biting down; Charlie moans into Nick’s shoulder, twitching his leg as Nick bites harder. 
C “Nicky~”
N “To much?~”
Charlie shakes his head wanting more, he bends down kissing Nick again. Nick moans, pulling off his shirt and throwing it to the side. Charlie runs his knuckles against his abs, 
C “I love you~”
Charlie kisses Nick’s chest over and over again, feeling the sensation against his lips, the feeling like that's time he did anything like this… just this time mutual, them both enjoying each other well being scared shitless for what's going to happen next, But it's a good kind of scared. 
N “I love you so much~”
Charlie whimpers as Nick kisses the side of his neck, he hopes Nick isn’t going to leave a mark. 
C “Nicky~ To much~”
Nick backs away a smirk on his face, he nods pulling Charlie into a hug.
N “Ok~ I’ll stop~”
C “C-can you sleep over?~” 
Nick nods, kissing Charlie’s cheek. 
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