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(that night they’re already asleep)
C “P-please get off me…”
Ben’s hands grabbing greedy and needy hand fulls of Charlie’s body.  “It’s your fault…” Charlie’s body starts to give up, maybe he deserved this. “I mean is this what sex is like… one party completely in control, No it can’t be…” Ben’s tongue being shoved so far down Charlie’s throat, usually he would be loving this, but not like this. 
C “Ben~ I D-don’t want this to happen… Please get off me…”
B “Stop ruining the moment.”
With that comment, Charlie stops asking him to stop, “ It’s your fault…” Ben knows he doesn't want it, “He’ll stop at some point, Right?” Ben’s lips still on his, but his hands unbuttoning his shirt, “Wait… I- He has never done that before… he won't be stopping any time soon…” Charlie tries one more time to stop this, “I can’t get out of Ben’s hold, all he can do is ask him, ask him to" Stop"  and  “get off”. “
C “We can still be together… just please… Stop~”
B “We aren’t together. I don’t even like you… Your just the only fagot in a hundred mile radius, now fucking shut up… I know you like me”
Charlie completely gives up, “It’s your fault…” His shirt unbuttoned Ben's hands, feeling his skinny body, seeing his self-inflicted scars, seeing the still fresh wounds, seeming not to care whatsoever. Ben taking his hands off of Charlie unbuttoning his own jeans, “Surely he won't go that far… right? Right?”
B “I know you want it~ I see you staring in the locker room”
 “It’s your fault…”
❁    ❁    ❁
Charlie starts mumbling in his sleep, 
C “Ben~ Stop~ Get off me~”
His body shaking, sweating profusely.
N “Charlie~ Wake up~”
He gasps as he wakes up, Nick backing away giving him some space. 
C “I’m sorry~ I had a dream about… you know…”
N “I could tell~ and don’t say sorry, baby~”
Nick wraps his hands around Charlie kissing his lips, he keep repeating “Shhh~ your ok sweetie~”
C “Sorry for waking you up~ You can go back to bed~”
N “No~ I’m not going to leave you alone when your like this~”
Nick grabs his wrists kissing his scars, 
N “I’m not going to let you break your streak again~”
Nick stays up until Charlie calms down and falls back asleep, falling asleep with Charlie in his arms,
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